That minor variance application, File Number D13-068-2024 for the property located at 264-266 Weller Avenue to permit reduced minimum lot frontages, increased maximum driveway widths, and increased maximum building depths for the proposed semi-detached homes, be approved, as described below:
Retained Lot (264 Weller Avenue):
Variance Number 1: Minimum Lot Frontage
By-Law Number 2022-62: Table
Requirement: 9 metres for a semi-detached house
Proposed: 8 metres
Variance Requested: 1 metre
Variance Number 2: Maximum Building Depth
By-Law Number 2022-62: Table
Requirement: 18 metres
Proposed: 22.5 metres
Variance Requested: 4.5 metres
Variance Number 3: Maximum Width of a Driveway
By-Law Number 2022-62: Section
Requirement: Maximum 40% of the length of the street line
Proposed: 65% of the length of the street line
Variance Requested: 25%
Severed Lot (266 Weller Avenue):
Variance Number 4: Minimum Lot Frontage
By-Law Number 2022-62: Table
Requirement: 9 metres for a semi-detached house
Proposed: 8 metres
Variance Requested: 1 metre
Variance Number 5: Maximum Building Depth
By-Law Number 2022-62: Table
Requirement: 18 metres
Proposed: 22.5 metres
Variance Requested: 4.5 metres
Variance Number 6: Maximum Width of a Driveway
By-Law Number 2022-62: Section
Requirement: Maximum 40% of the length of the street line
Proposed: 65% of the length of the street line
Variance Requested: 25%; and,
That approval of the minor variance application be subject to the conditions attached as Exhibit A (Recommended Conditions – Minor Variance) to Report Number COA-24-085; and,
That consent application, File Number D10-032-2024, to sever an approximately 372 square metre parcel and retain an approximately 372 square metre parcel on the property at 264-266 Weller Avenue, be provisionally approved subject to the conditions included in Exhibit B (Recommended Conditions – Consent) to Report Number COA-24-085.