Note: Deferral is requested as signage requirements were not met under the Planning Act.
File Number: D10-034-2024, D13-070-2024
District: 11 - King's Town
Owner: Matt Archibald
Applicant: Fotenn Planning + Design, Matt Archibald
The Report of the Commissioner of Growth & Development Services (COA-24-081) is attached.
That minor variance application, File Number D13-070-2024 for the property located at 22-28 Ellice Street to permit the construction of a new semi-detached house on the severed lot, for a total of three dwelling units with three bedrooms in the aggregate across the severed lot, and to address deficiencies resulting from the proposed severance, be approved, as described below:
Severed Lot:
Variance Number 1: Minimum Lot Area for a Semi-Detached House
By-Law Number 2022-62: Table
Requirement: 330.0 square metres per lot
Proposed: 187 square metres per lot
Variance Requested: 143 square metres; and,
Variance Number 2: Minimum Landscaped Open Space
By-Law Number 2022-62: Table Minimum Landscaped Open Space
Requirement: 30%
Proposed: 13.9%
Variance Requested: 16.1%; and,
Variance Number 3: Location of Vehicular Parking Space
By-Law Number 2022-62: Section 7.1.1.
Requirement: Parking to be located on the same lot as the building or use.
Proposed: Parking can be located on-site or on an adjacent parcel (retained lot).
Variance Requested: Removing the requirement for the vehicular parking space to be located solely on the same lot as the corresponding use or building and instead enabling it to be located on the adjacent (retained) lot; and,
Variance Number 4: Location of Bike Parking Space
By-Law Number 2022-62: Section 7.3.1.
Requirement: Bike parking to be provided on the same lot as the use or building.
Proposed: Bike parking can be located on-site or on an adjacent parcel (retained lot).
Variance Requested: Removing the requirement for the bike parking space to be located solely on the same lot as the corresponding use or building and instead enabling it to be located on the adjacent (retained) lot; and,
Retained Lot:
Variance Number 5: Minimum Interior Setback for Semi-Detached and Townhouse
By-Law Number 2022-62: Table
Requirement: Where a common party wall is located along a lot line: 0 metres from the lot line with the common party wall and 1.2 metres from the other interior lot line
Proposed: Where a common party wall is located along a lot line: 0 metres from the lot line with the common party wall and 0.7 metres from the other interior lot line
Variance Requested: 0.5 metres from the other interior lot line; and,
Variance Number 6: Minimum Parking Space – In line with a driveway
By-Law Number 2022-62: Table 7.4.1.
Requirement: A minimum parking space length of 6.0 metres
Proposed: A minimum parking space length of 5.6 metres
Variance Requested: 0.4 metres; and,
That approval of the minor variance application be subject to the conditions attached as Exhibit A (Recommended Conditions – Minor Variance) to Report Number COA-24-081; and,
That consent application, File Number D10-034-2024, to sever an approximately 189.5 square metre lot from the existing 708.2 square metre subject property located at 22-28 Ellice Street and to establish mutual access easements over both lots., be provisionally approved subject to the conditions included in Exhibit B (Recommended Conditions – Consent) to Report Number COA-24-081.