File Number: D13-084-2024
District: 7 - Kingscourt-Rideau
Owner: P&P Land Corporation and Pitcher Randolph D in Trust
Applicant: Rogers & Trainor
The Report of the Commissioner of Growth & Development Services (COA-25-019) is attached.
That minor variance application, File Number D13-084-2024, for the property located at 1149, 1173, and 1177 Montreal Street to increase the permitted unit count, reduce the parking requirement, reduce the number of required loading spaces, permit parking in a front yard, and reduce side and rear yard setbacks, be approved, as described below:
Variance Number 1: Maximum Number of Units
By-Law Number 2022-62: E117, Subsection (b) Building A, Subsection (iii)
Requirement: Maximum of 63 dwelling units
Proposed: Maximum of 102 dwelling units
Variance Requested: 39 dwelling units
Variance Number 2: Maximum Number of Units
By-Law Number 2022-62: E117, Subsection (c) Building B, Subsection (iii)
Requirement: Maximum of 63 dwelling units
Proposed: Maximum of 93 dwelling units
Variance Requested: 30 dwelling units
Variance Number 3: Parking Spaces
By-Law Number 2022-62: Table 7.1.1 (1) (a) (i)
Requirement: Minimum of 0.8 parking spaces per dwelling unit
Proposed: Minimum of 0.6 parking spaces per dwelling unit
Variance Requested: 0.2 parking spaces per dwelling unit
Variance Number 4: Loading Spaces
By-Law Number 2022-62: Section 7.5.3
Requirement: One loading space is required per building
Proposed: 1 loading space serving two buildings
Variance Requested: 1 loading space
Variance Number 5: Parking Location
By-Law Number 2022-62: Section 7.4.9 (3)
Requirement: Resident parking spaces must be located in a rear or interior side yard
Proposed: Permit resident parking spaces in a front yard
Variance Requested: Permit resident parking spaces in a front yard
Variance Number 6: Rear Yard Setback
By-Law Number 2022-62: Table 12.3.1 (5)
Requirement: Rear yard setback is the greater of 7.5 metres or 25% of the lot depth (equivalent to 34.5 metres on the subject site)
Proposed: 30 metres
Variance Requested: 4.5 metres
Variance Number 7: Interior Side Yard Setback
By-Law Number 2022-62: E117, Subsection (b) Building B, Subsection (v)
Requirement: Minimum setback of 7.0 metres to the western interior lot line
Proposed: Minimum setback of 6.0 metres to the western interior lot line
Variance Requested: 1.0 metre; and
That approval of the application be subject to the conditions attached as Exhibit A (Recommended Conditions) to Report Number COA-25-019.