City of Kingston
Council Meeting
Revised Agenda

Council Chamber

Council will resolve into the Committee of the Whole “Closed Meeting” at 4:45 p.m. and will reconvene as regular Council at 7 p.m.

Watch live on the City of Kingston website.

  • That Council resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole “Closed Meeting” to consider the following items:

    1. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board - Federal Divestiture; 
    2. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board - Block 4 Lands; and  
    3. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board - Potential Acquisition of Federal Lands. 

Krista LeClair, Executive Director, Kingston Accommodation Partners, will appear before Council to speak to Clause 1 of Report Number 23: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Consider) with respect to Cricket Field Baseball Diamond Fencing Options.

The consent of Council is requested for the amendment to Delegation Number 2.

Doug McKay will appear before Council to speak to Clause 1 of Report Number 23: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Consider) with respect to Cricket Field Baseball Diamond Fencing Options.

Brandon Maracle, Executive Director, Kingston Native Centre and Language Nest, will appear before Council to speak to Clause 2 of Report Number 21: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Consent) with respect to Renewal of the Service Level Agreement between the City of Kingston and the Kingston Native Centre and Language Nest.

Tori Boshart, President, Kingston Baseball Association & Melissa Cox, Secretary, Kingston Baseball Association, will appear before Council to speak to Clause 1 of Report Number 23: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Consider) with respect to Cricket Field Baseball Diamond Fencing Options.

Victor Mendes will appear before Council to speak to Clause 3 of Report Number 22: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Recommend) with respect to Proposed Indoor Multi-Sport Facility, St. Lawrence Business Park.

David Gordon will appear before Council to speak to Clause 1 of Report Number 23: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Consider) with respect to Cricket Field Baseball Diamond Fencing Options.

All items listed on the Consent Report shall be the subject of one motion. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the Consent Report to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Report without the separated item(s)shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter.

(Report Number 25-044 from the City Clerk)

(See By-Law Number (1), 2025-99)

  • That Council provide third reading to the updated By-Law, “A By-Law to Establish Rules and Regulations for Cemeteries Operated by The Corporation of the City of Kingston”, attached as Exhibit A to Report Number 25-044; and

    That Council approve a budget amendment for green burial site preparation of $8,000 to be funded from the Working Fund Reserve; and

    That Council approve the repayment of the $8,000 working fund contribution through the receipt over time from the sale of green burial plots.

(Report Number 25-053 from the Commissioner, Community Services)

(See By-Law Number (2), 2025-101)

  • That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Service Level Agreement between the City of Kingston and the Kingston Native Centre and Language Nest Inc. for one year with the option to extend with two more terms, that identifies the services to be provided by Kingston Native Centre and Language Nest Inc. and the associated funding to be issued by the City of Kingston for those services, in a form acceptable to the Director of Legal Services or designate; and

    That Council approve the release of $52,020 from the Community Development & Wellbeing and IIDEA Department’s 2025 operating budget to support Kingston Native Centre and Language Nest Inc. and the services identified as part of a Service Level Agreement between the City of Kingston and the Kingston Native Centre and Language Nest Inc. in 2025; and

    That in accordance with Section 110(6) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the By-Law attached as Exhibit B to Report Number 25-053, be presented and given all three readings to provide an exemption to all of 218 Concession Street from taxation for municipal and school purposes on terms set out a Municipal Capital Facility Agreement; and

    That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Municipal Capital Facility Agreement with the Kingston Native Centre and Language Nest Inc. for the premises leased at 218 Concession Street, Kingston, in order to exempt the premises from taxation for municipal and education purposes effective upon the execution of the Municipal Capital Facility Agreement; and

    That in accordance with Section 110(8) of the Municipal Act, 2001 the Clerk be directed to give written notice of the passing of the by-law to the local school boards having jurisdiction in the area in which the property is located and to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation as required by Section 110(5) and (8); and

    That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute any agreements requisite to the provision of the Municipal Capital Facility Agreement with the Kingston Native Centre and Language Nest Inc. in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services or designate.

(Report Number 25-072 from the President & CEO, Utilities Kingston)

  • That Council receive the 2024 Annual Water Summary Reports for the King Street Water Treatment Plant, the Point Pleasant Water Treatment Plant and the Cana Water Treatment Plant as required by the terms and conditions outlined in Schedule 22 of Ontario Regulation 170/03 for Drinking Water Systems.

(Report Number 25-058 from the Commissioner, Community Services)

  • That Council redirect the $30,000 from the Working Fund Reserve committed towards the Planet Youth Program on January 9, 2024 to the KFL&A Unnamed Youth Project; and

    That Council direct staff to report back on the outcomes of the KFL&A Unnamed Youth Project to the Arts, Recreation and Community Policies Committee by Q1 2026.

(Report Number 25-065 from the Commissioner, Growth & Development Services)

  • That Council declare the property surplus to municipal need and dispose of Lot 214 and a strip of land north of Lot 214, totalling approximately 4.4 acres, as depicted on the sketch in Exhibit A attached to Report Number 25-065; and

    That Council authorize the sale of the property, comprised of Lot 214 and a strip of land north of 214, totalling approximately 4.4. acres in the St. Lawrence Business Park, to Kingston Multisport Investment Group Ltd. upon the terms and conditions set out in Report Number 25-065, and otherwise in accordance with the City’s standard procedures for the sale of industrial/employment lands; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents or agreements required to give effect to the sale of the property, comprised of Lot 214 and a strip of land north of 214, totalling approximately 4.4. acres in the St. Lawrence Business Park, to Kingston Multisport Investment Group Ltd.; and

    That proceeds from the sale of property be transferred to the Industrial Land Reserve Fund; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a development charges deferral agreement and any other required documents or agreements between the City of Kingston and the prospective purchaser, subject to review and approval by the Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer and Chief Building Official, in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, to allow for the payment of development charges over a 10-year period, with interest at the prime lending rate, and as outlined in Report Number 25-065.

(Report Number 25-091 from the Commissioner, Community Services)

  • That the following Option (Option 5) be added for consideration as part of the Options presented in Report Number 25-056:

    Option 5:

    That staff be directed to retain the existing baseball diamond fence and yellow fence topper in Cricket Field.

(Report Number 25-056 from the Commissioner, Community Services)

  • Option 1:

    That staff be directed to modify the existing baseball diamond fence in Cricket Field to include pedestrian gaps and gates as shown in Exhibit B to Report Number 25-056; or

    Option 2:

    That staff be directed to modify the existing baseball diamond fence in Cricket Field to include pedestrian gaps and gates, to reduce outfield sideline fencing and to provide temporary fencing for events as shown in Exhibit C to Report Number 25-056; or

    Option 3:

    That staff be directed to modify the existing baseball diamond fence in Cricket Field to include pedestrian gaps and gates, and to remove the existing homerun fence and replace it with seasonal fencing from May 15 to September 15 as shown in Exhibit D to Report Number 25-056; or

    Option 4:

    That staff be directed to modify the existing baseball diamond fence in Cricket Field to include pedestrian gaps and gates, to remove the existing homerun fence and to provide temporary fencing for events as shown in Exhibit E to Report Number 25-056.

All items listed on this Committee Report shall be the subject of one motion. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the Committee Report to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Report of the Committee without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter.

  • That Council approve the 2025 Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee Work Plan, attached as Exhibit A to Report Number MAAC-25-001.

(Exhibits C & E to Report Number EITP-25-001)

  • That Council approve the following parking rate increases, to take effect April 1, 2025:

    1. Increase hourly rates for on-street parking in the higher demand zones in the Downtown and for on and off-street parking in the Institutional Area (Queen's/KGH/Courthouse) to $2.50 per hour from $2.00;
    2. Increase hourly rates for on-street parking in low demand zones in the Downtown and Williamsville areas to $2.00 per hour from $1.50;
    3. Increase hourly rates in the parking lots and in the garages in the Downtown and Williamsville areas, except in the Ontario/Brock Lot, to $2.00 per hour from $1.50;
    4. Increase the half-hour rate in the Ontario/Brock Lot to $1.75 year-round from the current $1.50 half-hour rate (between May and November) and $1.25 half-hour rate (between December and April);
    5. Increase the daily maximum rate in the Ontario/Brock Lot to $17.50 from $15.00 (between May and November) and $10.00 (between December and April);
    6. Increase event parking flat rates by $1.00 in the Frontenac, Barrack, Angrove, Springer, Upper and Lower Bruce, and Anglin parking lots;
    7. Increase the overnight flat rate and weekend flat rate by $1.00 in the Rideaucrest Lot;
    8. Increase the overnight flat rate and the Sunday morning to Monday morning flat rate by $1.25 in the Ontario/Brock Lot;
    9. Increase the overnight flat rate and the Sunday morning to Monday morning flat rate by $1.00 in the Hanson and Chown Garages;
    10. Increase the lost ticket fee at the Chown and Hanson Garages to $22.50 from $18.00;
    11. Set paid accessible parking rates to $1.00 per hour from $1.50;
    12. Cease the transfer of $200 per paid violation for “Park Unauthorized in an Accessible Space” to the Community Services Accessibility Program effective January 1, 2025; and

    That Council provide all three readings to By-Law to amend By-Law Number 2025-6, Fees and Charges By-Law as per Exhibit C attached to Report Number EITP-25-001; and

    That Council approve the increases in parking fines to take effect in 2025, as per Exhibit E attached to Report Number EITP-25-001, and direct staff to seek approval from the Ministry of the Attorney General for the fine increases.

(Report Number 25-063 from the Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with details of contracts greater than $100,000 awarded for the month of December 2024 that meet the established criteria of delegated authority or standard procurements and non-standard procurements.

(Report Number 25-076 from the Commissioner, Community Services)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with the background information on the development and implementation of the Ethno-Cultural Community Spaces Pilot Project Program.

(Report Number 25-055 from the Commissioner, Growth & Development Services)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with a list of real estate transactions completed under delegated authority from July 1 to December 31, 2024.

(Report Number 25-075 from the Chief Administrative Officer)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with detailed reporting on Q4 2024 for Tourism Kingston.

Miscellaneous Business Items are voted on as one motion.

Moved by: Councillor Tozzo

Seconded by: Councillor Glenn

  • That as requested by Oyedeji Ayonride, Providence Care, City Council proclaim the month of March 2025 as “Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month” in the City of Kingston.

  • That the resignation of Penny Bennett from the Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee be received with regret; and

    That in accordance with Section 3.3.2 d. of the Public Appointment Policy, Ian Cholmondeley be appointed from the reserve pool to the Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee for a term ending November 30, 2025.

Moved by: Councillor Stephen

Seconded by: Councillor Tozzo

  • Whereas the United States, under the leadership of President Trump, has recently threated to impose 25 per cent tariffs on a variety of Canadian goods; and

    Whereas these tariffs will negatively impact our local businesses, increase economic uncertainty, drive up costs for consumers in Canada and the United States and generally make life more unaffordable; and

    Whereas Kingston City Council stands united with our local business owners against the impacts these tariffs could have on their businesses, their workers and their livelihood; and

    Whereas the City of Kingston is already reviewing the cost impacts of tariffs on construction contracts and items procured from the United States;

    Therefore Be It Resolved That Council formally opposes the United States’ proposed tariffs on Canadian goods and the impacts they could have on our local economy; and

    That Council encourages the federal and provincial governments to remove interprovincial trade barriers as quickly as possible; and

    That Council direct staff to support partner agencies to develop a "shop local" and "visit Kingston" campaign similar to the former "Love Kingston" campaign; and

    That a copy of this motion be sent to Ontario’s Secretary of the Cabinet Michelle E. DiEmanuele (in light of the current provincial election), The Right Honorable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada, Ontario’s Big City Mayors, The Eastern Ontario Mayors Caucus, the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce.



Distributed to all Members of Council on February 14, 2025.

  • That the minutes of City Council Meeting Number 2025-06, held Tuesday, February 4, 2025, be confirmed.

Communications received and distributed between January 28, 2025 and February 11, 2025.

Additional communications received and distributed February 11, 2025 to February 18, 2025.


  • That By-Law Numbers (2) and (3) be given their first and second reading.

  • That By-Law Numbers (1) through (3) be given their third reading.

A By-Law to Establish Rules and Regulations for Cemeteries Operated by The Corporation of the City of Kingston

Third Reading

By-Law Number 2025-99

(Clause 1, Report Number 21)

A By-Law to Authorize an Agreement for the provision of a Municipal Capital Facility at 218 Concession Street, Kingston, Ontario

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2025-101

(Clause 2, Report Number 21)

A By-Law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on February 18, 2025

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2025-102

(City Council Meeting Number 2025-07)

A By-Law to Amend City of Kingston By-Law Number 2005-10, A By-Law to Establish Fees and Charges to be Collected by the Corporation of the City of Kingston

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2025-103

(Clause 1, Report Number 25)

  • That Council do now adjourn.

No Item Selected