File Number: D35-003-2024 and D12-004-2024
Address: 1519 Shira Drive (Site 1) and property at northwest corner of Bayridge Drive and Cataraqui Woods Drive (Site 2)
District: District 2 - Loyalist-Cataraqui
Application Type: Official Plan, Zoning By-Law Amendment, and Amending Subdivision Agreement
Owner: Tamarack (Cataraqui West 2) Corporation
Applicant: Fotenn Constultants Inc.
The Report of the Commissioner of Growth and Development Services (PC-24-054) is attached.
That the Planning Committee recommends to Council on October 15, 2024:
That the applications for Official Plan and zoning by-law amendments (File Number D35-003-2024 and D12-004-2024) submitted by Fotenn Consultants Inc., on behalf of Tamarack (Cataraqui West 2) Corporation, for the property municipally known as 1519Shira Drive and the property at the northwest corner of Bayridge Drive and Cataraqui Woods Drive, be approved; and
That the City of Kingston Official Plan, as amended, be further amended, amendment number 98, as per Exhibit A, (Draft By-Law and Schedule A to Amend the Official Plan) to Report Number PC-24-054; and
That Kingston Zoning By-Law Number 2022-62, as amended, be further amended, as per Exhibit B (Draft By-Law and Schedule A to Amend Zoning By-Law Number 2022-62) to Report Number PC-24-054; and
That Council determines that in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, no further notice is required prior to the passage of the by-law; and
That Council approve the Amending Subdivision Agreement (File Number D35-003-2024 and D12-004-2024) submitted by Fotenn Consultants Inc., on behalf of Tamarack (Cataraqui West 2) Corporation, for Block 181 of Plan 13M-127 municipally known as 1519 Shira Drive; and
That the amending by-law be presented to Council for all three readings.