City of Kingston
Council Meeting

Council Chamber

Council will resolve into the Committee of the Whole “Closed Meeting” at 5:45 p.m., and will reconvene as regular Council at 7 p.m.


Watch live on the Kingston City Council YouTube channel.

  • That Council resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole “Closed Meeting” to consider the following items:

    1. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board - Clogg's Road Business Park; 
    2. Education & training pursuant to Section 293(3.1) of the Municipal Act - Customer Service Standards; and 
    3. Labour relations or employee negotiations - Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Local 109 - Collective Bargaining.

Christine Sypnowich will appear before Council to speak to Clause 4 of Report Number 80: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Recommend) regarding Council Procedural By-Law Updates. 

Greg Samuel will appear before Council to speak to Clause 4 of Report Number 80: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Recommend) regarding Council Procedural By-Law Updates.

Tywen Thomas, Senior Project Manager, urbanMetrics, will brief Council on Clause 2 of Report Number 80: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Recommend) with respect to Commercial Land Review & Strategic Directions.

(Report Number 24-223 from the Commissioner, Growth & Development Services)

  • That Council endorse the City of Kingston Commercial Land Review and Strategic Directions, dated August 28, 2024, prepared by urbanMetrics inc., attached as Exhibit A to Report Number 24-223; and

    That the policy directions included in Exhibit A to Report Number 24-223 inform the drafting of new policies related to commercial uses in the new Official Plan.

(Report Number 24-230 from the Commissioner, Growth & Development Services)

  • That Council approve contribution up to $212,000 to be funded from the Environment Reserve Fund to enable the City’s participation in and support of Canadian Wollastonite’s enhanced rock weathering carbon capture program during 2025 to 2027; and

    That staff provide an annual report back to Council that documents the number of acres of supported agricultural application and estimates of resultant carbon dioxide capture and storage.

(Report Number 24-211 from the Chief Administrative Officer)

(See By-Law Number (1), 2024-360)

  • That Council approve the By-Law attached as Exhibit A to Report Number 24-211 (A By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2021-41, A By-Law to Provide Rules for Governing the Order and Procedures of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kingston).

That Report Number 81: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Consider) be received and considered.

(Report Number 24-232 from the Chief Administrative Officer)

  • That Council consider the following options as it relates to the Limestone City Co-Operative Housing Inc.’s request for funding and commitment to the 900 Division Street City-owned property:

    Option 1:

    That Council approve up to $2,290,000 as a forgivable loan/grant from the Working Fund Reserve to be allocated to the Limestone City Co-Operative Housing Inc. to complete the following work:

    • a zoning by-law amendment application for 900 Division Street on behalf of the City of Kingston;
    • advance the design and costing to a Class B estimate for a future cooperative housing development;
    • develop an innovation and feasibility study as well as a business plan and viability report;
    • retain an owner’s representative to Class B;
    • retain philanthropic services; and

    That staff report back on the status of the Limestone City Co-Operative Housing Inc. project in February 2025.

    Option 2:

    That Council decline the request for $2,290,000 from the Limestone City Co-Operative Housing Inc.; and

    That Council continue to commit the City-owned property at 900 Division Street until February 2025, as previously approved, allowing the Limestone City Co-Operative Housing Inc. opportunity to secure its financing to advance design and studies to a Class B estimate; and

    That staff report back on the status of the Limestone City Co-Operative Housing Inc. project in February 2025.

All items listed on this Committee Report shall be the subject of one motion. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the Committee Report to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Report of the Committee without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter.

(Exhibits A & B to Report Number PC-24-047)

(See By-Law Number (2), 2024-361)

(See By-Law Number (3), 2024-362)

  • That the applications for Official Plan and zoning By-Law amendments (File Number D35-004-2024) submitted by Asterisk Engineering Corp, on behalf of Propane Levac Propane Inc, for the property municipally known as 1739 Westbrook Road, be approved; and

    That the City of Kingston Official Plan, as amended, be further amended, amendment number 97, as per Exhibit A, (Draft By-Law and Schedule A to Amend the Official Plan) to Report Number PC-24-047; and

    That Kingston Zoning By-Law Number 2022-62, as amended, be further amended, as per Exhibit B (Draft By-Law and Schedule A & B to Amend Zoning By-Law Number 2022-62) to Report Number PC-24-047; and

    That Council determines that in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, no further notice is required prior to the passage of the By-Law; and

    That the amending By-Law be presented to Council for all three readings.

All items listed on this Committee Report shall be the subject of one motion. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the Committee Report to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Report of the Committee without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter.

  • That the current Accessibility Standards Policy, approved by Council in 2013, be rescinded, and the proposed Accessibility Standards Policy, attached as Exhibit A to Report Number MAAC-24-012, as amended by the Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee on September 5, 2024 as noted below, be approved:

    On page 25 of 49, in the first paragraph under the heading Service Animals, deleting “Service animals may also provide assistance to persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, epilepsy, autism spectrum disorder and a variety of other disabilities, both visible and invisible.” and replacing with “Service animals may provide assistance to persons with a variety of disabilities, both visible and invisible, such as medical response, mobility assistance, hearing, and combinations thereof.”

    On page 26 of 49, deleting the second paragraph and replacing with the following: “If an animal is behaving  properly, regardless of status, the best practice is to allow access to the facility. If an animal is not behaving in a professional manner staff do have the ability to request a handler provide documentation of their service animal’s status from on of the professionals listed below. Note, people may be visiting from outside of Ontario where documentation requirements may differ. Residents of Ontario require the following documentation:

    That the City of Kingston Notice of Temporary Service Disruption Policy be rescinded.

(Report Number 24-110 from the Director, Office of Strategy, Innovation & Partnerships)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update on the creation of the Clean Tech Innovation & Commercialization Hub (RXN 'Reaction' Hub).

(Report Number 24-212 from the Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with details of contracts greater than $100,000 awarded for the month of July 2024 that meet the established criteria of delegated authority for standard procurements and non-standard procurements.

(Report Number 24-173 from the Commissioner, Community Services)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with a high-level estimate on the cost estimate associated with the development and ongoing operation of sufficient new social, supportive and transitional housing. 

Miscellaneous Business Items are voted on as one motion.

Moved by: Councillor Stephen

Seconded by: Councillor Cinanni

  • Whereas on June 18, 2024 Councillor Glenn was appointed to participate in the Review Committee (Operating Grants) for the City of Kingston Heritage Fund on September 23 and 30, 2024; and

    Whereas Councillor Glenn is not longer able to participate in the Review Committee (Operating Grants);

    Therefore Be It Resolved That Council appoint Councillor ________ to participate, along with the Director, Heritage Services, in the Review Committee (Operating Grants) on September 23 and September 30 , 2024.



Distributed to all Members of Council on September 13, 2024.

  • That the Minutes of City Council Meeting Number 20-2024, held Tuesday, September 3, 2024 be confirmed.

Communications received and distributed to Council between August 27, 2024 and September 10, 2024.


  • That By-Laws (1) through (3), and (5) be given their first and second reading.

  • That By-Laws (2) through (5) be given their third reading.

A By-Law to Amend City of Kingston By-Law Number 2021-41, A By-Law to Provide Rules for Governing the Order and Procedures of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kingston

First and Second Reading

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-360

(Clause 4, Report Number 80)

A By-Law to Amend The City of Kingston Official Plan (Amendment Number 97, 1739 Westbrook Road)

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-361

(Clause 1, Report Number 82)

A By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2022-62, "Kingston Zoning By-Law Number 2022-62" (Transfer of Lands into the Kingston Zoning By-Law and Introduction of Exception Number E171 (1739 Westbrook Road)

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-362

(Clause 1, Report Number 82)

A By-Law to Amend City of Kingston By-Law Number 2019-116, A By-Law to Establish Development Charges for The City of Kingston (Development Charge By-Law)

Third Reading

By-Law Number 2024-351

(Clause 3, Report Number 77, September 3)

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-363

(City Council Meeting Number 21-2024)

  • That Council do now adjourn.