City of Kingston
Planning Committee

Council Chamber
Committee Composition
  • Councillor Cinanni; Chair
  • Councillor Chaves
  • Councillor Glenn
  • Councillor McLaren
  • Councillor Oosterhof
  • Councillor Osanic

Please provide regrets to Christine O’Connor, Committee Clerk at 613-546-4291,
extension 1219 or [email protected]

Watch live on the City of Kingston website or register to receive the Zoom link.

The meetings being held tonight are public meetings held under the Planning Act.  

Notice of Collection – Personal information collected as a result of the public meetings are collected under the authority of the Planning Act and will be used to assist in making a decision on this matter. Persons speaking at the meeting are requested to give their name and address for recording in the minutes. All names, addresses, opinions and comments may be collected and may form part of the minutes which will be available to the public. Additionally, interested members of the public can email the Committee Clerk or the assigned planner if they wish to be notified regarding a particular application.  Questions regarding this collection should be forwarded to the Director of Planning Services.    

 The first portion of tonight’s meeting is to present planning applications in a public forum as detailed in the community meeting report. This report does not contain a staff recommendation and therefore no decisions will be made this evening. Each application in the community meeting report will be presented individually and following each presentation by the applicant, the meeting will be opened to the public for comments and questions.  

The second portion of tonight’s meeting is to consider public meeting reports. These reports do contain a staff recommendation and the recommendation is typically to approve (with conditions) or to deny.  After the planner’s presentation, Committee members will be able to ask questions of staff, followed by members of the public. Following the question-and-answer period, this Committee then makes a recommendation on the applications to City Council who has the final say on the applications.  

Following Council decision, notice will be circulated in accordance with the Planning Act. If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Kingston to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Kingston before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.   

The purpose of the Community Meeting is to provide the applicant with an opportunity to present a potential development proposal in the early stages of the development process and to seek feedback from the public and members of Planning Committee before a complete application is submitted to the City. Anyone who attends a Community Meeting may present an oral submission, and/or provide a written submission on the proposals being presented. 

The Report of the Commissioner of Growth & Development Services (PC-24-018) is attached.  

Details of the development proposals to be presented at the Community Meeting are listed below.

Exhibit A 

File Number: D14-014-2024

Address: 1315 Midland Avenue

That the minutes of Planning Committee Meeting Number 19-2024, held Thursday, October 24, 2024, be approved. 

File Number: D35-005-2021

Address: 1233 Midland Avenue

District: District 2 - Loyalist-Cataraqui

Application Type: Zoning By-Law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision 

Owner: 1000208656 Ontario Inc.

Applicant: Kingston Midland and Cataraqui Corp. and Fotenn Consultants Inc.

The Report of the Commissioner of Growth & Development Services (PC-24-058) is attached. 


That the Planning Committee recommends to Council:

That the applications for zoning by-law amendments and draft plan of subdivision (File Number D35-005-2021) submitted by Kingston Midland and Cataraqui Corp. and Fotenn Consultants Inc., on behalf of 1000208656 Ontario Inc., for the property municipally known as 1233 Midland Avenue, be approved; and

That Kingston Zoning By-Law Number 2022-62, as amended, be further amended, as per Exhibit A (Draft By-Law and Schedules A and B to Amend Zoning By-Law Number 202262) to Report Number PC-24-058; and

That the draft plan of subdivision be subject to the conditions as per Exhibit C (Draft Plan of Subdivision Conditions) to Report Number PC-24-058; and

That Council determines that in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, no further notice is required prior to the passage of the by-law; and That the amending by-law be presented to Council for all three readings. 



The next meeting of the Planning Committee is scheduled for Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.