Whereas the United States, under the leadership of President Trump, has recently threated to impose 25 per cent tariffs on a variety of Canadian goods; and
Whereas these tariffs will negatively impact our local businesses, increase economic uncertainty, drive up costs for consumers in Canada and the United States and generally make life more unaffordable; and
Whereas Kingston City Council stands united with our local business owners against the impacts these tariffs could have on their businesses, their workers and their livelihood; and
Whereas the City of Kingston is already reviewing the cost impacts of tariffs on construction contracts and items procured from the United States;
Therefore Be It Resolved That Council formally opposes the United States’ proposed tariffs on Canadian goods and the impacts they could have on our local economy; and
That Council encourages the federal and provincial governments to remove interprovincial trade barriers as quickly as possible; and
That Council direct staff to support partner agencies to develop a "shop local" and "visit Kingston" campaign similar to the former "Love Kingston" campaign; and
That a copy of this motion be sent to Ontario’s Secretary of the Cabinet Michelle E. DiEmanuele (in light of the current provincial election), The Right Honorable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada, Ontario’s Big City Mayors, The Eastern Ontario Mayors Caucus, the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce.