City of Kingston
Council Meeting

Council Chamber

Council will resolve into the Committee of the Whole “Closed Meeting” at 4:45 p.m. and will reconvene as regular Council at 7 p.m.

Watch live on the City of Kingston website.



The consent of Council is requested for the amendment to Delegation Number 2.

Doug McKay will appear before Council to speak to Clause 1 of Report Number 23: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Consider) with respect to Cricket Field Baseball Diamond Fencing Options.

Report Number 22: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Recommend)


(Report Number 25-091 from the Commissioner, Community Services)

  • That the following Option (Option 5) be added for consideration as part of the Options presented in Report Number 25-056:

    Option 5:

    That staff be directed to retain the existing baseball diamond fence and yellow fence topper in Cricket Field.

(Exhibits C & E to Report Number EITP-25-001)

  • That Council approve the following parking rate increases, to take effect April 1, 2025:

    1. Increase hourly rates for on-street parking in the higher demand zones in the Downtown and for on and off-street parking in the Institutional Area (Queen's/KGH/Courthouse) to $2.50 per hour from $2.00;
    2. Increase hourly rates for on-street parking in low demand zones in the Downtown and Williamsville areas to $2.00 per hour from $1.50;
    3. Increase hourly rates in the parking lots and in the garages in the Downtown and Williamsville areas, except in the Ontario/Brock Lot, to $2.00 per hour from $1.50;
    4. Increase the half-hour rate in the Ontario/Brock Lot to $1.75 year-round from the current $1.50 half-hour rate (between May and November) and $1.25 half-hour rate (between December and April);
    5. Increase the daily maximum rate in the Ontario/Brock Lot to $17.50 from $15.00 (between May and November) and $10.00 (between December and April);
    6. Increase event parking flat rates by $1.00 in the Frontenac, Barrack, Angrove, Springer, Upper and Lower Bruce, and Anglin parking lots;
    7. Increase the overnight flat rate and weekend flat rate by $1.00 in the Rideaucrest Lot;
    8. Increase the overnight flat rate and the Sunday morning to Monday morning flat rate by $1.25 in the Ontario/Brock Lot;
    9. Increase the overnight flat rate and the Sunday morning to Monday morning flat rate by $1.00 in the Hanson and Chown Garages;
    10. Increase the lost ticket fee at the Chown and Hanson Garages to $22.50 from $18.00;
    11. Set paid accessible parking rates to $1.00 per hour from $1.50;
    12. Cease the transfer of $200 per paid violation for “Park Unauthorized in an Accessible Space” to the Community Services Accessibility Program effective January 1, 2025; and

    That Council provide all three readings to By-Law to amend By-Law Number 2025-6, Fees and Charges By-Law as per Exhibit C attached to Report Number EITP-25-001; and

    That Council approve the increases in parking fines to take effect in 2025, as per Exhibit E attached to Report Number EITP-25-001, and direct staff to seek approval from the Ministry of the Attorney General for the fine increases.

Communications Package


Additional communications received and distributed February 11, 2025 to February 18, 2025.



A By-Law to Amend City of Kingston By-Law Number 2005-10, A By-Law to Establish Fees and Charges to be Collected by the Corporation of the City of Kingston

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2025-103

(Clause 1, Report Number 25)