That Council approve the following parking rate increases, to take effect April 1, 2025:
- Increase hourly rates for on-street parking in the higher demand zones in the Downtown and for on and off-street parking in the Institutional Area (Queen's/KGH/Courthouse) to $2.50 per hour from $2.00;
- Increase hourly rates for on-street parking in low demand zones in the Downtown and Williamsville areas to $2.00 per hour from $1.50;
- Increase hourly rates in the parking lots and in the garages in the Downtown and Williamsville areas, except in the Ontario/Brock Lot, to $2.00 per hour from $1.50;
- Increase the half-hour rate in the Ontario/Brock Lot to $1.75 year-round from the current $1.50 half-hour rate (between May and November) and $1.25 half-hour rate (between December and April);
- Increase the daily maximum rate in the Ontario/Brock Lot to $17.50 from $15.00 (between May and November) and $10.00 (between December and April);
- Increase event parking flat rates by $1.00 in the Frontenac, Barrack, Angrove, Springer, Upper and Lower Bruce, and Anglin parking lots;
- Increase the overnight flat rate and weekend flat rate by $1.00 in the Rideaucrest Lot;
- Increase the overnight flat rate and the Sunday morning to Monday morning flat rate by $1.25 in the Ontario/Brock Lot;
- Increase the overnight flat rate and the Sunday morning to Monday morning flat rate by $1.00 in the Hanson and Chown Garages;
- Increase the lost ticket fee at the Chown and Hanson Garages to $22.50 from $18.00;
- Set paid accessible parking rates to $1.00 per hour from $1.50;
- Cease the transfer of $200 per paid violation for “Park Unauthorized in an Accessible Space” to the Community Services Accessibility Program effective January 1, 2025; and
That Council provide all three readings to By-Law to amend By-Law Number 2025-6, Fees and Charges By-Law as per Exhibit C attached to Report Number EITP-25-001; and
That Council approve the increases in parking fines to take effect in 2025, as per Exhibit E attached to Report Number EITP-25-001, and direct staff to seek approval from the Ministry of the Attorney General for the fine increases.