City of Kingston

Council Meeting Minutes

Council Chamber
  • Councillor Amos
  • Councillor Boehme
  • Councillor Chaves
  • Councillor Cinanni
  • Councillor Glenn
  • Councillor Hassan
  • Councillor McLaren
  • Councillor Oosterhof
  • Councillor Osanic
  • Mayor Paterson
  • Deputy Mayor Ridge
  • Councillor Stephen
  • Councillor Tozzo
Staff Present:
  • Paige Agnew, Commissioner, Growth & Development Services
  • Jennifer Campbell, Commissioner, Community Services
  • Kyle Compeau, Director, Licensing & Enforcement Services
  • Amy Elgersma
  • Brandon Forrest
  • Kevin Gibbs, Director, Heritage Services
  • Lanie Hurdle, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Anil Jarly, Technology Associate
  • Janet Jaynes, City Clerk
  • Blair Johnson, Manager, Corporate Records and Information
  • Brad Joyce, Commissioner, Infrastructure, Transportation & Emergency Services
  • Joel Konrad
  • Desiree Kennedy, CFO & City Treasurer
  • JC Kenny, Director, Communications & Customer Experience
  • Laird Leggo, Manager, Licensing, Parking Operations & Policy
  • Danika Lochhead
  • Paul MacLatchy, Environment Director
  • Christopher Norris, General Manager, Transit Services
  • Derek Ochej, Deputy City Clerk
  • Amy Paauw, Communications Officer
  • Tim Park, Director, Planning Services
  • Andrew Reeson, Senior Legal Counsel
  • Julie Salter-Keane, Manager, Climate Leadership
  • Camilo Sebastian-Lozano, Intern, Office of the Mayor
  • Laura Dean, Aird & Berlis LLP

The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. Regular business commenced at 7:02 p.m. His Worship Mayor Bryan Paterson presided.

  • Moved by:Councillor Stephen
    Seconded by:Councillor Hassan

    That Council resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole “Closed Meeting” to consider the following items:

    1. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board - Potential Disposition of Land; 
    2. A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board - Employment Lands; 
    3. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees - Code of Conduct Investigation; and 
    4. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees - Commissioner Position Vacancy and Organization Updates.
    YEAS: (10)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (3)Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, and Councillor Osanic
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Chaves
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Ridge

    That Council rise from the Committee of the Whole "Closed Meeting", that the rules of By-Law Number 2021-41, as amended, be waived and the City Clerk report.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Resolution Number:2025-1
    Moved by:Councillor Oosterhof
    Seconded by:Councillor Amos

    That Council approve the purchase of 1528 Westbrook Road for future municipal use, for a purchase price of $769,000 and $13,000 in closing costs; and

    That the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents to affect the purchase of the property known municipally as 1528 Westbrook Road, in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Hassan
    Seconded by:Councillor Tozzo

    That the addendum be approved.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Councillor McLaren declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor McLaren declared a pecuniary interest in Clause 1 of Report Number 08: Received from the Integrity Commissioner, as he was the subject of the report. ;)

Councillor Amos declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Clause 1 of Report Number 2: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Recommend) regarding Fees and Charges By-Law for the 2025 fiscal year, as he is a member of a body – the  Seniors Association Kingston Region – which rents space from the City of Kingston.

Councillor Amos declared a pecuniary interest with respect to New Motion 2 regarding Ontario Health Services Appeal and Review Board as Doctor Elaine Ma is his family physician. 

Councillor Osanic declared a pecuniary interest with respect to New Motion 2 regarding Ontario Health Services Appeal and Review Board as she is an employee of the Ministry of Health.

Councillor McLaren declared a pecuniary interest in Clause 1 of Report Number 08: Received from the Integrity Commissioner, as he was the subject of the report. 

Cam Stevenson was present and spoke to Council regarding Clause 1 of Report Number 04: Received from Kingston Heritage Properties Committee with respect to Application for Ontario Heritage Act Approval - 411 Wellington Street.

Cam Stevenson appeared before Council and spoke to Clause 1 of Report Number 04: Received from Kingston Heritage Properties Committee with respect to Application for Ontario Heritage Act Approval - 411 Wellington Street.

Chief Scott Fraser and Scarlet Eyles, Director of Finance, Kingston Police briefed Council on Information Report Number 1 with respect to Kingston Police Service Board Operating Budget Status as at September 30, 2024.

A petition bearing approximately 145 signatures to have a crosswalk installed at Charles Street & Rideau Street was delivered to the Clerk's Department on November 20, 2024.

Council consented to the separation of Clause 2.

  • Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor McLaren

    That Report Number 1: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Consent) be received and adopted.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Resolution Number:2025-2
    Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor McLaren

    That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a new five-year agreement for the storage and management of the City’s archival records, effective January 1, 2025, between The Corporation of the City of Kingston and Queen’s University, subject to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.

  • Resolution Number:2025-4
    Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor McLaren

    That Council approve the recommendations submitted by the Kingston and Area Association of Museums, Art Galleries and Historic Sites with regard to the 2024-2025 City of Kingston Heritage Fund, in support of both Operating and Project Grants as outlined in the ‘CKHF Adjudication Report 2024-2025’, attached to Report Number 25-010 as Exhibit A; and

    That Council direct the Kingston Association of Museums, Art Galleries and Historic Sites to release the Operating and Project Grants, as approved, totaling $376,449 to the successful applicants.

  • Resolution Number:2025-5
    Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor McLaren

    That having received a written request from staff that special charge by-laws for improvements completed under the Better Homes Kingston Program be given all three readings at the same meeting, Council approves such request; all pursuant to clause 12.63 (c) of City of Kingston By-Law Number 2021–41, “Council Procedural By-Law”.

  • Resolution Number:2025-6
    Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor McLaren

    That Council approve the Brownfield Property Tax Financial Assistance Application submitted by Rose Kove Developments Inc., owner of the property at 5 & 7 Cataraqui Street, for future annual property tax rebates or cancellations that are not to exceed a total of $4,828,587 over a maximum of ten years subject to the establishment of, and in accordance with, the terms and conditions of a Brownfield Site Agreement; and

    That the By-Law attached as Exhibit B to Report Number 25-025 be presented to Council for all three readings that establishes the property as eligible to receive future property tax rebates under the Tax Increment Rebate Grant Program subject to a Brownfield Site Agreement between the owner and the City; and

    That the By-Law attached as Exhibit C to Report Number 25-025 be presented to Council for first and second readings to allow for the cancellation or rebate of property taxes for Municipal and Education purposes for the duration of the assistance periods for the property at 5 & 7 Cataraqui Street under the Brownfield Financial Tax Incentive Program By-Laws; and

    That following the first and second readings of the Brownfield Financial Tax Incentive Program By-Law to cancel taxes, said By-Law be forwarded to the Ministry of Finance for their approval if required and once approved, presented to Council for third reading; and

    That staff be directed to negotiate a Brownfield Site Agreement with Rose Kove Developments Inc. establishing the terms and conditions governing the payment of the Brownfields Rehabilitation Grant for the redevelopment of 5 & 7 Cataraqui Street; and

    That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Brownfield Site Agreement in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.

  • Resolution Number:2025-7
    Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor McLaren

    That “A By-Law to Deem Part of a Subdivision Not to be a Registered Plan of Subdivision (All of Lots 2 & 3, Plan 412; Part of Lot 1, Plan 412; and Part of Lot 17, Concession 2)”, attached as Exhibit A to Report Number 24-224, be presented to Council for three readings.

  • Resolution Number:2025-8
    Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor McLaren

    That Council approve the extension of the four billboard licences described in Exhibit A to Report Number 25-015 for an additional five years, plus one five-year extension option; and

    That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute all necessary legal documents and agreements to effect the extension agreements in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services or their designate.

  • Resolution Number:2025-9
    Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor McLaren

    That a By-Law be presented to amend By-Law Number 2010-128, “A By-Law to Regulate Parking”, as amended, as per Exhibit A to Report Number 25-006 to apply the proposed parking regulations; and

    That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a licence agreement, in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services and City Solicitor, with BPE Group of Companies for an on-street guest loading zone on King Street at the Belvedere Hotel for an amount equivalent to two monthly parking permit rates for Area A commuter on-street permits pursuant to the By-Law Number 2005-10, Fees and Charges By-Law plus a premium of 35% per month; and

    That the agreement with BPE Group of Companies for an on-street guest loading zone on King Street at the Belvedere Hotel shall be for an initial term of one year and shall be renewed automatically annually thereafter with the option to terminate the agreement for any reason with 30 days’ written notice from either party.

  • Resolution Number:2025-3
    Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor McLaren

    That By-Law Number 2023-204, the Committee By-Law, as amended, be further amended as per Exhibit A to Report Number 25-014.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • That Report Number 2: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Consent) be received and adopted, clause by clause.

  • Councillor Amos declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Amos declared a pecuniary interest with respect to Clause 1 of Report Number 2: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Recommend) regarding Fees and Charges By-Law for the 2025 fiscal year, as he is a member of a body – the ;Seniors Association Kingston Region – which rents space from the City of Kingston.)

Councillor Amos left the meeting due to his pecuniary interest.

  • Resolution Number:2025-10
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Ridge
    Seconded by:Councillor Stephen

    That a By-Law, attached to Report Number 25-009 as Exhibit A, be presented to Council to establish the fees and charges for the 2025 fiscal year; and

    That a By-Law to Repeal By-Law Number 2005-10, “A By-Law to Establish Fees and Charges to be Collected by The Corporation of the City of Kingston”, as amended, and to amend other City By-Laws that have specific references to By-Law Number 2005-10, attached to Report Number 25-009 as Exhibit B, be presented to Council to repeal By-Law Number 2005-10, in its entirety, as of January 1, 2025.

    YEAS: (12)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Conflict (1)Councillor Amos
    Carried (12 to 0)

Councillor Amos returned to the meeting.

  • Moved by:Councillor Cinanni
    Seconded by:Councillor Glenn

    That Report Number 3: Received from the Planning Committee be received and adopted.

  • Resolution Number:2025-11
    Moved by:Councillor Cinanni
    Seconded by:Councillor Glenn

    That the application for a zoning By-Law amendment (File Number ​D14-013-2024) submitted by ​Nancy Krampitz​, on behalf of ​Krampitz Enterprises Inc.​, for the property municipally known as ​3055 Princess Street​, be ​approved​; and 

    That Kingston Zoning By-Law Number 2022-62, as amended, be further amended, as per Exhibit A (Draft By-Law and Schedules A and B to Amend Zoning By-Law Number ​2022-62​) to Report Number ​PC-24-060​; and 

    That Council determines that in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, no further notice is required prior to the passage of the By-Law; and 

    That the amending By-Law be presented to Council for all three readings. 

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Glenn
    Seconded by:Councillor Oosterhof

    That Report Number 4: Received from the Kingston Heritage Properties Committee be received and adopted.

  • Resolution Number:2025-12
    Moved by:Councillor Glenn
    Seconded by:Councillor Oosterhof

    That the new construction at 411 Wellington Street – Lot 1, be approved in accordance with the details described in the application (File Number P18-096-2024), which was deemed complete on September 27, 2024, with said application to include the construction of a two-storey dwelling and a detached garage accessed by a driveway; and

    That the approval of the application be subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit A; and

    That the new construction at 411 Wellington Street – Lot 3, be approved in accordance with the details described in the application (File Number P18-097-2024), which was deemed complete on September 27, 2024, with said application to include the construction of a two-storey dwelling and a detached garage accessed by a driveway; and

    That the approval of the application be subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit B; and

    That the new construction at 411 Wellington Street – Lot 10, be approved in accordance with the details described in the application (File Number P18-098-2024), which was deemed complete on October 15, 2024, with said application to include the construction of a two-storey dwelling and a detached garage accessed by a driveway; and

    That the approval of the application be subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit C; and

    That the new construction at 411 Wellington Street – Lot 20, be approved in accordance with the details described in the application (File Number P18-095-2024), which was deemed complete on September 27, 2024, with said application to include the construction of a two-storey dwelling and a detached garage accessed by a driveway; and

    That the approval of the application be subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit D; and

    That the new construction at 411 Wellington Street – Lot 27, be approved in accordance with the details described in the application (File Number P18-099-2024), which was deemed complete on September 27, 2024, with said application to include the construction of a two-storey dwelling and a detached garage accessed by a driveway; and

    That the approval of the application be subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit E; and

    That the new construction at 411 Wellington Street – Lot 30, be approved in accordance with the details described in the application (File Number P18-101-2024), which was deemed complete on October 3, 2024, with said application to include the construction of a one-storey dwelling and a detached garage accessed by a driveway; and

    That the approval of the application be subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit F,  amended by Council to delete Condition 2 and renumber all following clauses appropriately.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried as Amended (13 to 0)
  • Amendment:
    Moved by:Councillor Oosterhof
    Seconded by:Councillor Amos

    That Clause 1 of Report Number 4: Received from the Kingston Heritage Properties Committee be amended to delete Condition 2 in Exhibit F and renumber all following clauses appropriately:

    2. The roof profile shall be amended to reflect an end-gable or side-gable style roof, to the satisfaction of Heritage Planning Staff.  

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Glenn
    Seconded by:Councillor Osanic

    That Report Number 5: Received from the Integrity Commissioner be received and adopted.

  • Resolution Number:2025-13
    Moved by:Councillor Glenn
    Seconded by:Councillor Osanic

    That Council receive the "Integrity Commissioner Report Code of Conduct Investigation 2024-02" submitted by Aird & Berlis LLP; and 

  • Resolution Number:2025-14
    Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor Chaves

    That Council formally reprimand the Member; and

    YEAS: (10)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, and Councillor Oosterhof
    NAYS: (2)Councillor Glenn, and Councillor Osanic
    ABSENT: (1)Councillor McLaren
    Carried (10 to 2)
  • Resolution Number:2025-15
    Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor Chaves

    That Council suspend the remuneration paid to the Member for a period of 30 days.

    YEAS: (9)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, and Councillor Stephen
    NAYS: (3)Councillor Glenn, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (1)Councillor McLaren
    Carried (9 to 3)

(Report Number 25-027 from the Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with the requested Kingston Police Service Board financial status report as at September 30, 2024.

(Report Number 25-017 from the Commissioner, Infrastructure, Transportation & Emergency Services)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update on the status of the City's annual Emergency Management compliance requirements for 2024.

(Report Number 25-001 from the Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with a financial status update of the general operating budget as at October 31, 2024.

  • Moved by:Councillor Boehme
    Seconded by:Councillor McLaren

    That the following items of Miscellaneous Business be approved.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Resolution Number:2025-16
    Moved by:Councillor Boehme
    Seconded by:Councillor McLaren

    That Councillor Cinanni be appointed to the Board of Directors of the Reaction Hub for a term ending November 30, 2025.

  • Resolution Number:2025-17
    Moved by:Councillor Boehme
    Seconded by:Councillor McLaren

    That as requested by Ralph Rushton, Kingston Youth Unlimited, Kingston City Council proclaim the month of December to be “Christian Heritage Month” in the City of Kingston. 

  • Resolution Number:2025-18
    Moved by:Councillor Boehme
    Seconded by:Mayor Paterson

    Whereas municipalities face growing infrastructure needs, including roads, bridges, public transit, water systems, and other critical services, which are essential to community well-being and economic development; and

    Whereas the current sources of municipal revenue, including property taxes and user fees, are insufficient to meet these increasing demands for infrastructure investment; and

    Whereas the Province of Ontario currently collects the Land Transfer Tax (LTT) on property transactions in municipalities across the province, generating significant revenue that is not directly shared with municipalities; and

    Whereas the Federal Government collects the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on property transactions, a portion of which could be directed to municipalities to address local infrastructure needs; and

    Whereas redistributing a portion of the Provincial Land Transfer Tax and GST to municipalities would provide a predictable and sustainable source of funding for local infrastructure projects without creating a new tax burden on residents or homebuyers; and

    Whereas a redistribution of a portion of the existing Land Transfer Tax and GST would allow municipalities to better plan and invest in long-term infrastructure initiatives, supporting local economic growth and improving the quality of life for residents;

    Therefore Be It Resolved That Kingston City Council formally requests the Provincial Government to consider redistributing a portion of the Land Transfer Tax collected on property transactions to municipalities; and 

    That Kingston City Council calls on the Federal Government to allocate a percentage of the GST collected on property sales to municipalities; and 

    That this redistribution of the Land Transfer Tax and GST should be structured to provide predictable and sustainable funding to municipalities, allowing for better long-term planning and investment in infrastructure projects that benefit local communities, thus ensuring that local governments receive a fair share of the revenue to address critical infrastructure needs; and

    That copies of this resolution be forwarded to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Premier Doug Ford, the Ontario Minister of Finance, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, local Members of Parliament (MPs) and Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs); and 

    That copies of this resolution be forwarded to all 444 Municipalities in Ontario, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) for their endorsement and advocacy.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Councillor Amos declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Amos declared a pecuniary interest with respect to New Motion 2 regarding Ontario Health Services Appeal and Review Board as Doctor Elaine Ma is his family physician. ;)
  • Councillor Osanic declared a conflict on this item. (Councillor Osanic declared a pecuniary interest with respect to New Motion 2 regarding Ontario Health Services Appeal and Review Board as she is an employee of the Ministry of Health.)

Councillor Amos and Councillor Osanic left the meeting due to their pecuniary interest.

  • Resolution Number:2025-19
    Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor Glenn

    Whereas Dr. Elaine Ma held numerous mass COVID-19 immunization clinics in Kingston throughout the pandemic; and

    Whereas a recent ruling of the Ontario Health Services Appeal and Review Board (HSARB) has ordered Dr. Ma to repay to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan over $600,000 in funding that was received for the mass COVID-19 immunization clinics at Richardson Stadium, St. Lawrence College and LaSalle Secondary School; and

    Whereas Dr. Ma offered an innovative method to vaccinate people during a public health emergency and healthcare innovation should be commended by political leaders; and

    Whereas KFL&A Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Piotr Oglaza, offered testimony in support of Dr Ma, but this testimony was not considered by the HSARB;

    Therefore Be It Resolved That Kingston City Council express its support for Dr. Ma in her continued appeal of the HSARB decision; and

    That Kingston City Council request the provincial government to review the decision of the HSARB with respect to Dr. Ma in recognition of the unique circumstances of a public health emergency; and

    That a copy of this motion be shared with The Honourable Sylvia Jones, M.P.P., Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore, M.P.P. Ted Hsu, Kingston & the Islands, and M.P.P. John Jordan, Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston.

    YEAS: (11)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Stephen, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Conflict (2)Councillor Amos, and Councillor Osanic
    Carried (11 to 0)



Councillor Amos and Councillor Osanic returned to the meeting.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chaves
    Seconded by:Councillor Hassan

    That the Minutes of City Council Meeting 26-2024, held Tuesday, November 19, 2024, be confirmed.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried (13 to 0)

Communications received and distributed to Council between November 13, 2024 to November 26, 2024.

Communications received and distributed to Council between November 13, 2024 to November 26, 2024.

Councillor Tozzo recognized the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and recognized the winners of the 2024 Celebrating Accessibility Awards.

Councillor Tozzo recognized Councillor Stephen for her work with staff in the creation of the Swiftie Skating event.

Councillor Hassan urged Kingston residents to keep in touch with neighbours and family members that may require assistance during this month as part of the winter holidays.


  • Resolution Number:2025-20
    Moved by:Councillor Oosterhof
    Seconded by:Councillor Boehme

    That By-Laws (6) and (7) be given their first and second reading.

    YEAS: (12)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (1)Councillor Amos
    Carried (12 to 0)
  • Resolution Number:2025-21
    Moved by:Councillor Boehme
    Seconded by:Councillor Oosterhof

    That By-Laws (1) through (5) and (8) through (13) be given their first and second reading.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried (13 to 0)
  • Resolution Number:2025-22
    Moved by:Councillor Boehme
    Seconded by:Councillor Oosterhof

    That By-Laws (2), (4), and (8) through (13) be given their third reading.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried (13 to 0)

By-Law to Amend City of Kingston By-Law Number 2023-204, Committee By-Law

First and Second Reading

By-Law Number 2025-1

(Clause 2, Report Number 01)

A By-Law to Approve Brownfields Financial Assistance for the property known as 5 & 7 Cataraqui Street

Three Readings

By-Law Number 2025-2

(Clause 5, Report Number 01)

A By-Law to Cancel Municipal and Education Taxes for the property known as 5 & 7 Cataraqui Street

First and Second Reading

By-Law Number 2025-3

(Clause 5, Report Number 01)

A By-Law to Deem Part of a Subdivision Not to be on a Registered Plan of Subdivision (Part of Lot 1, Lot 2, and Lot 3 on Registered Plan 412)

Three Readings

By-Law Number 2025-4

(Clause 6, Report Number 01)

By-Law to Amend City of Kingston By-Law Number 2010-128, A By-Law to Regulate Parking

First and Second Reading

By-Law Number 2025-5

(Clause 8, Report Number 01)

Fees & Charges By-Law, 2025

First and Second Reading

By-Law Number 2025-6

(Clause 1, Report Number 02)

Repeal of Fees and Charges and Amend Other By-Laws

First and Second Reading

By-Law Number 2025-7

(Clause 1, Report Number 02)

A By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2022-62, "Kingston Zoning By-Law Number 2022-62" (Transfer of Lands into Kingston Zoning By-Law and Introduction of Exception Number E177 (3055 Princess Street))

Three Readings

By-Law Number 2025-8

(Clause 1, Report Number 03)

A By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2023-5, "A By-Law to Exempt Certain Lands on Registered Plan 13M-107 from the Provisions of Subsection 50(5) of the Planning Act (Block 90, Registered Plan 13M-107)"

Three Readings

By-Law Number 2025-9

(Delegated Authority)

A By-Law to provide for the assumption of the public highways in Woodhaven Tamarack Subdivision, Phase 3-1, Registered Plan 13M-103, in the City of Kingston, in accordance with section 31(4) of the Municipal Act, Chapter 25, S.O. 2001; and to provide acceptance by the City of Kingston, of the associated public works within

Three Readings

By-Law Number 2025-10

(Delegated Authority)

A By-Law to provide for the assumption of the public highways in Woodhaven Tamarack Subdivision, Phase 3-2, Registered Plan 13M-119, in the City of Kingston, in accordance with section 31(4) of the Municipal Act, Chapter 25, S.O. 2001; and to provide acceptance by the City of Kingston, of the associated public works within

Three Readings

By-Law Number 2025-11

(Delegated Authority)

A By-Law to provide for the assumption of the public highways in Woodhaven Tamarack Subdivision, Phase 3-3, Registered Plan 13M-112, in the City of Kingston, in accordance with section 31(4) of the Municipal Act, Chapter 25, S.O. 2001; and to provide acceptance by the City of Kingston, of the associated public works within

Three Readings

By-Law Number 2025-12

(Delegated Authority)

A By-Law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on December 3, 2024.

Three Readings

By-Law Number 2025-13

(City Council Meeting Number 2025-01)

Council adjourned at 8:22 p.m.

  • Moved by:Councillor Amos
    Seconded by:Councillor Stephen

    That Council do now adjourn.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Mayor Paterson, Deputy Mayor Ridge, Councillor Boehme, Councillor Glenn, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    Carried (13 to 0)
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