City of Kingston

Council Meeting Minutes

Council Chamber
  • Councillor Amos
  • Deputy Mayor Boehme
  • Councillor Chaves
  • Councillor Cinanni
  • Councillor Hassan
  • Councillor McLaren
  • Councillor Oosterhof
  • Councillor Osanic
  • Councillor Ridge
  • Councillor Stephen
  • Councillor Tozzo
  • Councillor Glenn
  • Mayor Paterson
Staff Present:
  • Paige Agnew, Commissioner, Growth & Development Services
  • Jennifer Campbell, Commissioner, Community Services
  • Neil Carbone, Commissioner, Corporate Services
  • Heather Cole, Director of Legal Services and City Solicitor
  • Luke Follwell
  • Kevin Gibbs, Director, Heritage Services
  • Allison Hannah, Committee Clerk
  • Lanie Hurdle, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Janet Jaynes, City Clerk
  • Brad Joyce, Commissioner, Infrastructure, Transportation & Emergency Services
  • Desiree Kennedy, CFO & City Treasurer
  • Ruth Noordegraaf, Director, Community Development & Well-Being and IIDEA
  • Derek Ochej, Deputy City Clerk
  • Tim Park, Director, Planning Services
  • Julie Salter-Keane, Manager, Climate Leadership
  • Chris Sabourin, Technology Associate
  • Karen Santucci, Director Public Works and Solid Waste

The meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m. Regular business commenced at 7:05 p.m. Deputy Mayor Ryan Boehme presided.

Councillor McLaren withdrew from the meeting.

  • Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor Amos

    That Council resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole “Closed Meeting” to consider the following items:

    1. Labour relations or employee negotiations - Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Local 109 - Negotiated Settlement; and 
    2. Education & training pursuant to Section 293(3.1) of the Municipal Act - Land Use Planning.
    YEAS: (8)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (5)Councillor McLaren, Mayor Paterson, Councillor Ridge, Councillor Glenn, and Councillor Hassan
    Carried (8 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Stephen
    Seconded by:Councillor Amos

    That Council rise from the Committee of the Whole "Closed Meeting", that the rules of By-Law Number 2021-41, as amended, be waived and the City Clerk report.

    YEAS: (10)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (3)Councillor McLaren, Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor Cinanni

    That Council ratify and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Collective Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Kingston and the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 109, for the period January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2026 in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.

    YEAS: (10)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (3)Councillor McLaren, Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Stephen
    Seconded by:Councillor Ridge

    That the addendum be approved.

    YEAS: (10)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (3)Councillor McLaren, Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (10 to 0)

Leigh Martins, Kingston Frontenac Anti-Violence advisory Committee, and Deidre Reddick, Co-Chair, Kingston Frontenac Anti-Violence Advisory Committee, appeared before Council and spoke to Information Report Number 2 with respect to Intimate Partner Violence and Gender Based Violence - One Year Update.

Roger Healey, Kingston Coalition for Active Transportation, appeared before Council and spoke to New Motion 1 regarding Proposed Provincial Restrictions on Cycling Lanes.

Jeffrey Blasko & Carly Lindsay appeared before and spoke to Clause 1 of Report Number 93: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Recommend) regarding Notice of Objection to Proposed Heritage Designation - 140-150 Montreal Street & 145-149 Montreal Street/97 Bay Street.

Danielle Picard & Peter Draper appeared before Council and spoke to Clause 1 of Report Number 93: Received from Kingston Heritage Properties Committee with respect to Notice of Objection to Proposed Heritage Designation - 140-150 Montreal Street & 145-149 Montreal Street/97 Bay Street.

  • Moved by:Councillor Ridge
    Seconded by:Councillor Amos

    That clauses 12.9 & 12.11 of the City of Kingston Procedural By-Law be suspended to allow Danielle Picard to appear before Council to speak to Clause 1 of Report Number 93: Received from Kingston Heritage Properties Committee with respect to Notice of Objection to Proposed Heritage Designation - 140-150 Montreal Street & 145-149 Montreal Street/97 Bay Street.

    YEAS: (10)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (3)Councillor McLaren, Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (10 to 0)



  • That the Motions of Congratulations, Recognition, Sympathy, Condolences and Speedy Recovery be approved.

    YEAS: (10)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (3)Councillor McLaren, Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (10 to 0)

Moved by: Deputy Mayor Boehme

Seconded by: Councillor Oosterhof

  • That heartfelt congratulations of Kingston City Council be extended to Dr. Rupa Patel, a distinguished local physician, on being named the 2024 Regional Family Physician of the Year by the Ontario College of Family Physicians. Dr. Patel is a dedicated advocate for maternal health and has played a pivotal role in the development of innovative local initiatives, including the “OB Wheel” and the Well Baby Care Clinic. Through her tireless efforts, Dr. Patel ensures that pregnant women and their infants receive crucial primary care when they need it most. Congratulations, Dr. Patel, on this well-deserved honour.

Moved by: Deputy Mayor Boehme

Seconded by: Councillor Ridge

  • That the condolences of Kingston City Council be extended to the family and friends of former senator, esteemed lawyer, and a tireless advocate for truth and reconciliation, The Honourable Murray Sinclair, who passed away at the age of 73. After retiring from the Senate in 2021, Sinclair was appointed chancellor of Queen's University and had a great impact in our community. Murray’s kindness, generosity, and fairness will resonate for generations to come. His passing is a great loss for our community and nation. Our thoughts are with his family during this time.


Councillor McLaren returned to the meeting.

  • Moved by:Councillor Osanic
    Seconded by:Councillor Ridge

    That Report Number 92: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Consent) be received and adopted.

    YEAS: (11)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (2)Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (11 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Osanic
    Seconded by:Councillor Ridge

    That Council approve the 2025 meeting schedule for City Council and standing committees, attached as Exhibit A to Report Number 24-224.

  • Moved by:Councillor Osanic
    Seconded by:Councillor Ridge

    That a By-Law be presented for all three readings to amend By-Law Number 2004-190, being “A By-Law to Regulate the Use of City Streets", as amended, as per Exhibit A to Report Number 24-258.

  • Moved by:Councillor Stephen
    Seconded by:Councillor Tozzo

    That Report Number 93: Received from Chief Administrative Officer (Recommend) be received and adopted, clause by clause.

  • Moved by:Councillor Stephen
    Seconded by:Councillor Tozzo

    That Council acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Objection from Peter Draper dated August 7, 2024, to the proposed designation of the property located at 140-150 Montreal Street, as a property of cultural heritage value or interest pursuant to Section 29(5) of the Ontario Heritage Act and having considered the objections set out in the Notice of Objection pursuant to Section 29(6), has decided not to withdraw the Notice to Intention to Designate the property; and

    That Council give all three readings to the Designation By-Law for 140-150 Montreal Street, attached as Exhibit C to Report Number 24-249 and directs the City Clerk to serve a Notice of Passing as prescribed under Section 29(8) of the Act; and

    That Council acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Objection from Jeff Blasko and Carly Lindsay dated August 13, 2024, to the proposed designation of the property located at 145-149 Montreal Street and 97 Bay Street, known as the Strainge Terrace, as a property of cultural heritage value or interest pursuant to Section 29(5) of the Ontario Heritage Act and having considered the objections set out in the Notice of Objection pursuant to Section 29(6), has decided not to withdraw the Notice to Intention to Designate the property; and

    That Council give all three readings to the Designation By-Law for 145-149 Montreal Street and 97 Bay Street, attached as Exhibit D to Report Number 24-249 and directs the City Clerk to serve a Notice of Passing as prescribed under Section 29(8) of the Act.

    YEAS: (7)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    NAYS: (4)Councillor McLaren, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, and Councillor Hassan
    ABSENT: (2)Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (7 to 4)
  • Moved by:Councillor Cinanni
    Seconded by:Councillor Chaves

    That Report Number 94: Received from Planning Committee be received and adopted.

  • Moved by:Councillor Cinanni
    Seconded by:Councillor Glenn

    That the application for final plan of condominium (File Number D07-002-2023) submitted by Fotenn Consultants Inc., on behalf of Tamarack (Rideau 2) Corporation, for the property municipally known as 998 Highway 15, be exempted under Section 9(6) of the Condominium Act from the provisions of Section 51 and 51.1 of the Planning Act that would normally apply under Section 9(2) of the Condominium Act; and

    That final approval be granted to the final plan of condominium (File Number D07-002-2023) submitted by Fotenn Consultants Inc., on behalf of Tamarack (Rideau 2) Corporation, for the property municipally known as 998 Highway 15, subject to the Owner entering into a Condominium agreement with the City, which agreement shall provide further notice to the Condominium Corporation and present and future purchasers, of the conditions contained within the registered Subdivision agreement and that the Condominium Corporation will be responsible for maintaining the approved site works and fulfilling any conditions of the agreement; and

    That subject to the satisfaction of the Director of Legal Services & City Solicitor, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Condominium agreement, and the Director of Legal Services & City Solicitor be authorized to forward the necessary signed and stamped originals and required copies of the Final Plan of Condominium to the Land Registry Office for registration.

    YEAS: (11)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (2)Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (11 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Oosterhof
    Seconded by:Councillor Amos

    That Report Number 95: Received from Kingston Heritage Properties Committee be received and adopted.

  • Moved by:Councillor Oosterhof
    Seconded by:Councillor Amos

    That Council direct staff to serve a Notice of Proposed Amendment for the properties located at 8 Estate Lane; 8, 14 & 17 Gable Lane; 15 Leahurst Lane; 25, 38, 46 & 51 Heakes Lane; 18 & 24 Penrose Lane; 18, 36, 42 & 46 Lakewatch Lane; 11, 23 & 43 Beechgrove Lane; and 730 & 752 King Street West, pursuant to Section 30.1 of the Ontario Heritage Act, attached as Exhibit C to Report Number HP-24-041; and

    That should no Notice of Objection be received by the Clerk of The Corporation of the City of Kingston within thirty (30) days of the publication of the Notice of Proposed Amendment, the Designation By-Law for the former Rockwood Asylum, attached as Exhibit D to Report Number HP-24-041, be presented to Council for all three readings, and that staff be directed to carry out the requirements as prescribed under Section 30.1 of the Act.

    YEAS: (11)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (2)Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (11 to 0)

Council consented to the separation of Clause 3. 

  • Moved by:Councillor Cinanni
    Seconded by:Councillor Stephen

    That Report Number 96: Received from Environment, Infrastructure & Transportation Policies Committee be received and adopted.

    YEAS: (11)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (2)Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (11 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Cinanni
    Seconded by:Councillor Stephen

    That Council direct staff, starting in 2025, to report to the Environment, Infrastructure and Transportation Policies Committee annually on the following four pothole key performance indicators (KPI) and the following index for context:

    1. KPI: Total number of potholes identified for each classification of road;
    2. KPI: Percentage of potholes repaired (filled) within the timeframe outlined in the provincial Minimum Maintenance Standards;
    3. KPI: Percentage of identified potholes that were reported by the public;
    4. KPI: Average number of days to repair a pothole based on road classification; and
    5. Index: Weather Severity Index.
  • Moved by:Councillor Cinanni
    Seconded by:Councillor Stephen

    That Council direct staff to report back to the Environment, Infrastructure & Transportation Policies Committee in Q3 2025 detailing programmatic changes for the extension of the Better Homes Kingston Program, including a detailed budget and the necessary amendments to By-Law Number 2021-23, “A By-Law to Authorize the Undertaking of Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation Works on Private Residential Property as Local Improvements under the Better Homes Kingston Program (BHKP)”.

  • Moved by:Councillor Cinanni
    Seconded by:Councillor Stephen

    That Council approve a budget amendment for $20,000 funded from the monies collected from the Cash-in-Lieu of Parking levies to support an expanded car-share pilot program; and

    That Council authorize the Manager, Licensing, Parking Operations and Policy, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services, to enter into an agreement with Communauto Inc. for the provision of an expanded car-share pilot program for a period of up to 18 months, starting in Q2 2025.

    YEAS: (11)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (2)Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (11 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Chaves
    Seconded by:Councillor Oosterhof

    That Report Number 97: Received from Kingston Environmental Advisory Committee be received and adopted.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chaves
    Seconded by:Councillor Oosterhof

    That the Kingston Community Climate Action Fund applications, attached to Report Number KEAC-24-001 as Exhibit A, meet the objectives and eligibility criteria, and be approved for public donation.

    YEAS: (11)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (2)Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (11 to 0)

(Report Number 24-238 from the City Clerk)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update on the committee member honoraria pilot program.

(Report Number 24-252 from the Commissioner, Community Services)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with additional updates, background on local data, an overview of the work in the Kingston community in the past year, and initiatives and projects that are planned regarding intimate partner violence and gender based violence.

(Report Number 24-261 from the Chief Administrative Officer)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with detailed reporting on Q3 2024 for Tourism Kingston.

  • Moved by:Councillor Chaves
    Seconded by:Councillor Oosterhof

    That the Miscellaneous Business Item be approved.

    YEAS: (10)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (3)Councillor McLaren, Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Chaves
    Seconded by:Councillor Oosterhof

    That the resignation of Reza Jamshidi Chenari from the Kingston Environmental Advisory Committee be received with regret. 

  • Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor Cinanni

    Whereas the Government of Ontario has announced it will introduce legislation that would require municipalities to receive approval from the province before the installation of new cycling lanes that would result in the removal of lanes for vehicle traffic; and

    Whereas as part of this approval municipalities would be required to demonstrate that the proposed cycling lanes will not have a negative impact on vehicle traffic; and

    Whereas cycling lanes are an essential element of urban transportation and road safety planning, and requiring provincial approval represents a significant overreach into municipal jurisdiction; and

    Whereas the Kingston 2023 – 2026 Strategic Plan includes a priority to Build an Active and Connected Community with a goal (3.3.2) to prioritize pedestrian connections and dedicated cycling lanes; and

    Whereas the Association of Municipalities of Ontario is urging the province to respect local decision-making when considering transportation improvements;

    Therefore Be It Resolved That Council expresses its support with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for maintaining municipal jurisdiction with respect the installation of cycling lanes; and

    That a copy of this motion be sent to The Honourable M.P.P. Premier of Ontario Doug Ford, The Honorable M.P.P. Prabmeet Singh Sarkaria, Minister of Transportation, M.P.P. Ted Hsu, Kingston and the Islands, M.P.P. John Jordan, Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Kingston Coalition for Active Transportation.

    YEAS: (11)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (2)Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (11 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Oosterhof
    Seconded by:Councillor Amos

    Whereas the City of Kingston is home to a considerable amount of rural land (83% of total land base) that significantly contributes to the local economy through agriculture, tourism, rural businesses, and neighbourhoods; and

    Whereas the Rural Economic Development (RED) Grant Program from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness and Ministry of Rural Affairs provides crucial annual funding to support economic growth and job creation in rural areas; and

    Whereas cities with large rural components face similar economic challenges as rural municipalities, such as the need for infrastructure improvements, support for small businesses and communities, and rural development strategies; and

    Whereas the current eligibility criteria for the RED Grant Program does not adequately account for urban-rural hybrid cities like Kingston, Ottawa, or Hamilton where rural areas face distinct challenges that can benefit from such provincial funding; and

    Whereas RED Grant Program guidelines defines “Rural Ontario” as all Statistics Canada census subdivisions (including lower-tier and single-tier municipalities) that either have a population of less than 100,000 people, or have a population density of 100 people per square kilometer or less, as identified in the most recent Statistics Canada Census of Canadian Population, which excludes Kingston; and

    Whereas M.P.P. Ted Hsu, Kingston & the Islands has expressed support for broadening the eligibility of the RED Grant Program to include cities with significant rural lands;

    Therefore Be It Resolved That the Kingston City Council strongly support M.P.P. Hsu’s efforts to advocate for changes in the eligibility criteria of the RED Grant Program to allow cities like Kingston, with substantial rural land, to apply and benefit from this important funding stream; and

    That a copy of this motion be shared with The Honourable M.P.P. Premier of Ontario Doug Ford, the Honourable M.P.P. Rob Flack, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness, the Honourable M.P.P. Lisa M. Thompson, Minister of Rural Affairs, M.P.P Ted Hsu, Kingston & the Islands, M.P.P. John Jordan, Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, and the neighbouring municipalities of Loyalist Township, South Frontenac Township, and the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands.

    YEAS: (11)Councillor Chaves, Councillor McLaren, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (2)Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (11 to 0)


Councillor McLaren withdrew from the meeting and did not return.


  • Moved by:Councillor Ridge
    Seconded by:Councillor Cinanni

    That the Minutes of City Council Meeting Number 24-2024, held Tuesday, October 15, 2024, be confirmed.

    YEAS: (10)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (3)Councillor McLaren, Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (10 to 0)

Communications received and distributed to Council between October 8, 2024 and October 29, 2024.

Additional communications received and distributed to Council between October 29, 2024 and November 5, 2024.

Councillor Chaves advised that November is Movember regarding men's mental health, suicide prevention and prostate and testicular cancer.


  • Moved by:Councillor Chaves
    Seconded by:Councillor Osanic

    That By-Laws (1) through (4), and (7) through (14) be given their first and second reading.

    YEAS: (10)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (3)Councillor McLaren, Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (10 to 0)
  • Moved by:Councillor Chaves
    Seconded by:Councillor Osanic

    That By-Laws (1) through (14) be given their third reading.

    YEAS: (10)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (3)Councillor McLaren, Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (10 to 0)

A By-Law to Amend City of Kingston By-Law Number 2004-190, A By-Law to Regulate the Use of City Streets

Three Readings

By-Law Number 2024-384

(Clause 2, Report Number 92)

A By-Law to Designate the property at 140-150 Montreal Street to be of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act

Three Readings

By-Law Number 2024-385

(Clause 1, Report Number 93)

A By-Law to Designate the property at 145-149 Montreal Street/97 Bay Street to be of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act

Three Readings

By-Law Number 2024-386

(Clause 1, Report Number 93)

A By-Law to Exempt Certain Lands on Registered Plan 13M-127 from the Provisions of Subsection 50(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended (Block 181 on Registered Plan 13M-127, municipally known as 1519 Shira Drive)

Three Readings

By-Law Number 2024-387

(Delegated Authority)

Appeals Committee By-Law

Third Reading

By-Law Number 2024-375

(Clause 1, Report Number 89, October 15)

A By-Law to Amend City of Kingston By-Law Number 2021-166, A By-Law to Regulate Animals and By-Law Number 2022-6, A By-Law to Regulate and License Transportation Network Companies in the City of Kingston

Third Reading

By-Law Number 2024-376

(Clause 1, Report Number 89, October 15)

A By-Law to Designate the property at 161 Princess Street to be of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest Pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act

Three Readings 

By-Law Number 2024-388

(Clause 2, Report Number 78, September 3)

A By-Law to Designate the property at 163-165 & 1467 Princess Street to be of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest Pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act

Three Readings 

By-Law Number 2024-389

(Clause 2, Report Number 78, September 3)

A By-Law to Designate the properties at 23, 25 & 33 Rideau Street to be of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act

Three Readings 

By-Law Number 2024-390

(Clause 2, Report Number 78, September 3)

A By-Law to Designate the property at 25 Richard Street to be of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act

Three Readings 

By-Law Number 2024-391

(Clause 2, Report Number 78, September 3)

A By-Law to Designate the property at 262 Princess Street to be of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act

Three Readings 

By-Law Number 2024-392

(Clause 2, Report Number 78, September 3)

A By-Law to Designate the property at 3748 Sand Hill Road to be of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act

Three Readings 

By-Law Number 2024-393

(Clause 2, Report Number 78, September 3)

A By-Law to Designate the property at 427-429 Victoria Street/136 Mack Street to be of Cultural Heritage Value and Interest pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act

Three Readings 

By-Law Number 2024-394

(Clause 2, Report Number 78, September 3)

A By-Law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on November 5, 2024

Three Readings

By-Law Number 2024-395

(City Council Meeting Number 25-2024)

Council adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

  • Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Councillor Amos

    That Council do now adjourn.

    YEAS: (10)Councillor Chaves, Councillor Cinanni, Councillor Ridge, Deputy Mayor Boehme, Councillor Tozzo, Councillor Hassan, Councillor Amos, Councillor Stephen, Councillor Osanic, and Councillor Oosterhof
    ABSENT: (3)Councillor McLaren, Mayor Paterson, and Councillor Glenn
    Carried (10 to 0)