City of Kingston

Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee


Hosted in a virtual, electronic format
Members Present:
  • Aimee Burtch, Chair
  • Councillor Tozzo
  • Mercedes Augustyn
  • Dorothyanne Brown
  • Regan Bucciol
  • Chantaille Buczynski
  • Dinah Cotter
  • Andrea Fitzgerald
  • Susan Mockler
  • Andrea Palmer Nash
  • Megan Quin
  • Aldo Ramirez
  • Amanda Amesse
  • Penny Bennett
Staff Present:
  • Derek Ochej, Deputy City Clerk
  • Christine O'Connor, Committee Clerk

The Chair called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

  • Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Ms. Brown

    That the agenda be approved.

  • Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Ms. Cotter

    That the minutes of Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Number 04-2024, be approved. 


There were none. 

There were none. 

There were none.

Mr. Ochej provided an overview of the report, highlighting that the report was divided into two sections. He noted that the first section included dense legal wording and the second section focused on the best practices and implementation of City policy to reach the requirements under the provincial legislation. He added that this policy is to ensure the City of Kingston meets the minimum standards regarding accessibility legislation and does not preclude the City from going above and beyond to reach the highest level of accessibility and inclusion possible. He stated that it is staff's intention to develop a training program that will focus on best practices and customer service. 

Ms. Quin complimented the formatting of the new policy, noting that it's more referenceable than the previous policy. 

There were no other comments from the Committee. 

The Chair provided an opportunity for members of the public to speak. There were no members of the public present.

  • Moved by:Councillor Tozzo
    Seconded by:Ms. Bucciol

    That the Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee recommend to Council: 

    That the current Accessibility Standards Policy, approved by Council in 2013, be rescinded, and the proposed Accessibility Standards Policy, attached as Exhibit A to Report Number MAAC-24-012, be approved, and 

    That the City of Kingston Notice of Temporary Service Disruption Policy be rescinded. 

    Carried as Amended
  • Moved by:Ms. Cotter
    Seconded by:Ms. Palmer-Nash

    That the current Accessibility Standards Policy, approved by Council in 2013, be rescinded, and the proposed Accessibility Standards Policy, attached as Exhibit A to Report Number MAAC-24-012, be amended as follows:

    On page 25 of 49, in the first paragraph under the heading Service Animals, deleting “Service animals may also provide assistance to persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, epilepsy, autism spectrum disorder and a variety of other disabilities, both visible and invisible.” and replacing with “Service animals may provide assistance to persons with a variety of disabilities, both visible and invisible, such as medical response, mobility assistance, hearing, and combinations thereof.”

    On page 26 of 49, deleting the second paragraph and replacing with the following: “If an animal is properly, regardless of status, the best practice is to allow access to the facility. If an animal is not behaving in a professional manner staff do have the ability to request a handler provide documentation of their service animal’s status from on of the professionals listed below. Note, people may be visiting from outside of Ontario where documentation requirements may differ. Residents of Ontario require the following documentation:

    That the City of Kingston Notice of Temporary Service Disruption Policy be rescinded.


Mr. Ochej provided an overview of the report, highlighting the increase in statistics regarding accessibility inquiries. He noted parking and recreation facilities as two of the city services that have seen the largest increase in reporting barriers that exist. He stated that it is important that these barriers are being reported so that they can be addressed and added that the increasing numbers indicate there is still work that needs to be done. He added that the Accessibility Features Map is now available on the City of Kingston website.

Ms. Quin inquired about the functionality of the forward-facing interactive map. She noted that when the map is zoomed-out, it can be difficult to see all of the features. She asked if features could be grouped contextually so that certain categories could be selected and unselected for ease of viewing and reading. Mr. Ochej stated that could be opportunities to build in filters and layers. He added that he would provide an update in the next quarterly report.

Ms. Brown noted a lack of features outside of the downtown area on the Accessibility Features Map. She inquired about the reasoning for this. She further inquired about the possibility of merging with Access Now. Mr. Ochej explained that many of the facilities are in the downtown core but added that there would be more updates and that he would be happy to take suggestion from the Committee on additions to the map. He noted that a collaboration with Access Now could be explored.

Ms. Palmer-Nash inquired about the possibility of Committee members assisting with reporting back on accessibility features at facilities outside of the downtown core to add to the map. Mr. Ochej noted this idea for mapping future parks and facilities.

The Chair provided an opportunity for members of the public to speak. There were no members of the public present.

There were none. 

There were none. 

There was none. 

The next meeting of the Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee is scheduled for Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. 

  • Moved by:Ms. Bucciol
    Seconded by:Ms. Palmer-Nash

    That the meeting of the Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee adjourn at 1:30 p.m.
