That the current Accessibility Standards Policy, approved by Council in 2013, be rescinded, and the proposed Accessibility Standards Policy, attached as Exhibit A to Report Number MAAC-24-012, be amended as follows:
On page 25 of 49, in the first paragraph under the heading Service Animals, deleting “Service animals may also provide assistance to persons with post-traumatic stress disorder, epilepsy, autism spectrum disorder and a variety of other disabilities, both visible and invisible.” and replacing with “Service animals may provide assistance to persons with a variety of disabilities, both visible and invisible, such as medical response, mobility assistance, hearing, and combinations thereof.”
On page 26 of 49, deleting the second paragraph and replacing with the following: “If an animal is properly, regardless of status, the best practice is to allow access to the facility. If an animal is not behaving in a professional manner staff do have the ability to request a handler provide documentation of their service animal’s status from on of the professionals listed below. Note, people may be visiting from outside of Ontario where documentation requirements may differ. Residents of Ontario require the following documentation:
That the City of Kingston Notice of Temporary Service Disruption Policy be rescinded.