Ms. Reid conducted a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Zoning By-Law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision at 1233 Midland Avenue. A copy of this presentation is available upon request through the City Clerk's Department.
The Chair provided an opportunity for the Committee to ask questions.
Councillor Chaves inquired about the width of the roadways and whether parking would be permitted on the road. He asked how close to net-zero the development would be and whether there would be an opportunity for a community garden. He further inquired about the use of biodiverse and pollinator friendly plants in the landscaping. Ms. Reid confirmed that the private roadway through the development is six metres in width to allow for vehicular traffic. She added that parking would not be permitted on the roadway. Mr. Weekes, agent for the applicant, stated that the applicant is seeking Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) funding, which has a higher standard for building efficiency. He noted that the applicant would be targeting 20-40% beyond the requirements of the Ontario Building Code for energy efficiency. He explained that there would be an opportunity for a community garden if residents were to request it and added that biodiverse and pollinator friendly plants have been selected as part of the landscaping plan.
Councillor Chaves inquired about who would be responsible for snow removal and waste-collection. He asked for clarification regarding the lower-level bedrooms and whether they are intended to be secondary suites. Mr. Weeks confirmed that snow removal would be private while waste collection would be tentatively municipal. Ms. Reid explained that the lower-level bedrooms are not secondary suites and added that the bedrooms are distributed throughout the houses due to the compact nature of the development.
Councillor Chaves asked if the private lane, visitor parking, and other common elements would be covered by condominium fees and taken care of by the condominium corporation. Ms. Reid stated that the the common elements would be maintained by the condominium corporation and larger repairs. She added that a reserve fund created using condominium fees would be used to completed the repairs.
Councillor Chaves asked if there are sidewalks on one or both sides of the street and inquired whether this would impact the parking area. Ms. Reid stated that there are sidewalks throughout the development on a minimum of one side of the street. She added that the sidewalks do not conflict with the parking area in the driveway.
Councillor Osanic expressed concern for the lack of parking on the streets. She inquired about whether snow that is being removed would be stored on site. She further inquired about municipal garbage trucks being permitted in the private laneways to collect waste and whether the new, larger waste bins that have been approved by Council would be permitted. Ms. Reid confirmed that there are snow storage areas on site and added that the traffic study has demonstrated municipal garbage trucks would be able to move freely through the development to collect waste. She noted that the site plan had been circulated to colleagues working with solid waste and no concerns were raised.
Councillor Osanic further inquired about the trees to be planted and whether there would be trees planted by the townhomes or whether they would mostly be located around the apartment. Ms. Reid stated that the planting would be split between the apartment area and the town homes.
The Chair provided an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions. There were no comments received from the public.
Councillor Chaves stated that he is happy that the apartment building is on the east side of the property to decrease the visual and noise implications for the current residents of the area. He noted the application seems to rely on transit which is not as frequent or efficient in this areas as other areas of the City. He added that many residents use their garage for storage rather than parking a vehicle, and expressed concern for parking on the roadway.