City of Kingston
Environment, Infrastructure & Transportation Policies Committee
Revised Agenda

Council Chamber
Committee Composition
  • Councillor Stephen, Chair
  • Councillor Amos
  • Councillor Chaves
  • Councillor Cinanni
  • Councillor Hassan
  • Councillor Tozzo

Please provide regrets to Allison Hannah, Committee Clerk at 613-546-4291,
extension 1209 or [email protected]

Watch live on the City of Kingston website or register to receive the Zoom link.

That the minutes of Environment, Infrastructure and Transportation Policies Committee Meeting Number 08-2024, held Tuesday, October 8, 2024, be approved

Joyce Hostyn will be present to speak to the Committee regarding Bird-Friendly City Certification.

The Report from the President & CEO, Utilities Kingston (EITP-25-006) is attached.


That the Environment, Infrastructure & Transportation Policies Committee recommend to Council:

That Council direct Utilities Kingston to not proceed with the development of a Regional Biosolids and Biogas Facility at the Knox Farm property.

The Report from the Commissioner, Infrastructure, Transportation & Emergency Services (EITP-25-004) is attached.


That the Environment, Infrastructure & Transportation Policies Committee recommends to Council:

That Council direct staff to develop a graffiti communications plan by Q2 2025, with information for residents on how to prevent, report, and remove graffiti on both private and public property; and

That staff report back to the Environment, Infrastructure & Transportation Policies Committee in Q2 2026 on the implementation of the educational components of the anti-graffiti program, including the identification of any additional programs if required.

The Report from the Commissioner, Infrastructure, Transportation & Emergency Services (EITP-25-002) is attached.


That the Environment, Infrastructure & Transportation Policies Committee recommends to Council:

That staff be directed to submit a Bird-Friendly City application for the next application period in Q2 2025, with the goal of obtaining Entry level certification.

The Report from the Commissioner, Infrastructure, Transportation & Emergency Services (EITP-25-003) is attached.


This report is for information only.

The next meeting of the Environment, Infrastructure and Transportation Policies Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.