The Report of the Commissioner of Community Services (HP-24-041) is attached.
That Kingston Heritage Properties Committee recommends to Council:
That Council direct staff to serve a Notice of Proposed Amendment for the properties located at 8 Estate Lane; 8, 14 & 17 Gable Lane; 15 Leahurst Lane; 25, 38, 46 & 51 Heakes Lane; 18 & 24 Penrose Lane; 18, 36, 42 & 46 Lakewatch Lane; 11, 23 & 43 Beechgrove Lane; and 730 & 752 King Street West, pursuant to Section 30.1 of the Ontario Heritage Act, attached as Exhibit C to Report Number HP-24-041; and
That should no Notice of Objection be received by the Clerk of The Corporation of the City of Kingston within thirty (30) days of the publication of the Notice of Proposed Amendment, the Designation By-Law for the former Rockwood Asylum, attached as Exhibit D to Report Number HP-24-041, be presented to Council for all three readings, and that staff be directed to carry out the requirements as prescribed under Section 30.1 of the Act.