City of Kingston
Kingston Heritage Properties Committee

Council Chamber
Committee Composition
  • Councillor Glenn
  • Councillor Oosterhof
  • Jennifer Demitor
  • Peter Gower
  • Gunnar Heissler
  • Alexander Legnini
  • Robert Mayo
  • Daniel Rose
  • Ann Stevens

Please provide regrets to Iain Sullivan, Committee Clerk at 613-546-4291,
extension 1864 or [email protected]

Watch live on the City of Kingston website or register to receive the Zoom link.

That the minutes of Kingston Heritage Properties Committee Meeting Number 12-2024, held Wednesday, November 20, 2024, be approved. 

Joel Konrad, Manager, Heritage Planning and Sukriti Agarwal, Manager, Policy Planning will be present and speak to the Committee regarding the North King's Town Cultural Heritage Study Report.

Laurie Paquin, Project Manager, Parks Development, will be present and speak to the Committee regarding the Cricket Field Baseball Diamond Fencing - 32 Bagot Street Report. 

The Report of the Commissioner of Community Services (HP-25-001) is attached. 


That the Kingston Heritage Properties Committee supports Council’s approval of the following:

That alterations to the property at 244 James Street, be approved in accordance with details as described in the application (P18-110-2024), which was deemed complete on November 7, 2024 with said alterations to include changes to the existing building/property and the construction of a two-storey addition in the rear and west of the existing building, specifically:

Alterations to the Existing Building/Property:

    1. Addition of two new skylights on the western roof pitch near the rear of the roof ridge, a new metal cap on the existing chimney and a new 1.5-1.8 metre tall painted white fence bisecting the driveway;
    2. Replacement of two casement windows on the second-floor as well as a first-floor entry way on the 2005 addition with aluminum clad wood sash windows with exterior muntin bars;
    3. Replacement of a modern metal flue with a vent;
    4. Repaint the building in a grey tone;

Details of the Proposed Addition:

    1. Construction of a two-storey addition approximately 0.5 metres lower in height than the existing roof ridgeline of the original portion of the property, located in the rear and side yards, that step down to a one-storey addition deeper into the property;
    2. The addition will feature a galvanized sheet steel roof like the existing, prefinished wood siding with the same/similar dimensions as the existing and a similar but different grey tone to the original portion of the building;
    3. The addition will include two new covered wood porches with associated doors along the east and north of the building as well as historically appropriate and modern window systems/trim on the north elevation;
    4. The addition will include two elongated rectangular aluminum clad wood sash windows with flat window surrounds on the west elevation visible to the public realm;
    5. All but two windows visible to the public realm in the new addition will be rectangular aluminum clad wood sash windows with simulated divided lites and flat window surrounds; and

That the approval of the application is subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit A to Report Number HP-25-001.

Note: this property was deferred at both the September 18, 2024 and October 16, 2024 meetings of the Kingston Heritage Properties Committee. As 90 days have passed since initial deferral, a decision must be rendered regarding the property or it will proceed to Council without a recommendation in accordance with Subsection 4.4 of By-Law Number 2023-204, the Committee By-Law.

Original Report (HP-24-039)


That the Kingston Heritage Properties Committee recommend to Council: 

That Council direct staff to serve a Notice of Intention to Designate the property located at 2973 Orser Road, known as the Orser Farmstead, as a property of cultural heritage value or interest pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, attached as Exhibit A to Report Number HP-24-039; and

That should no Notice of Objection be received by the Clerk of The Corporation of the City of Kingston within thirty (30) days of the publication of the Notice of Intention to Designate, the Designation By-Law for 2973 Orser Road, known as the Orser Farmstead, attached as Exhibit I to Report Number HP-24-036, be presented to Council for all three readings, and that staff be directed to carry out the requirements as prescribed under Section 29(8) of the Act

The Report of the Commissioner of Growth & Development Services and the Commissioner of Community Services (HP-25-002) is attached. 


This report is for information only. 

The Report of the Commissioner of Infrastructure, Transportation & Emergency Services (HP-25-003) is attached. 


This report is for information only. 

That the following residents be appointed to the Heritage Properties Working Group: 

  • Helen Finley;
  • Ed Grenda;
  • Jane McFarlane; and 
  • Don Taylor

The next meeting of the Kingston Heritage Properties Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 9:30 a.m.