City of Kingston
Appeals Committee

Councillors' Lounge
Third Floor, City Hall
Committee Composition
  • Councillor Hassan
  • Councillor Oosterhof
  • Shawn Cahill
  • Blaine Fudge
  • Tara Kainer

Please provide regrets to Christine O'Connor, Committee Clerk at 613-546-4291,
extension 1219 or [email protected]

Register to receive the Zoom link.

That the minutes of Appeals Committee Meeting Number 08-2024 held on Monday, November 18, 2024, be approved.

Property Standards Officer - Stephanie Oare

A copy of the Notice of Appeal, Order to Remedy and Notice of Hearing is attached. 

The property update pertains to Sections 4.18, 4.32, 5.74, 5.57, 5.56, 5.76, 5.79, 5.80, 5.53, 4.39, 4.13 of By-Law 2005-100. 



The next meeting of the Appeals Committee is scheduled for Monday, January 20, 2025, at 12:00 p.m.

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