City of Kingston
Council Meeting

Council Chamber

Council will resolve into the Committee of the Whole “Closed Meeting” at 6:30 p.m. and will reconvene as regular Council at 7 p.m.


Watch live on the Kingston City Council YouTube channel.

  • That Council resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole “Closed Meeting” to consider the following item:

    1. Education & training pursuant to Section 293(3.1) of the Municipal Act - Customer Service Standards.

Moved by: Councillor Glenn

Seconded by: Councillor Stephen

  • That Kingston City Council recognize October as Women’s History Month. Women’s History Month is a time to honour the contributions and achievements of women in shaping our society, history, and culture. Acknowledging the month allows the City of Kingston to celebrate the vital role women have played in our community, province and country, while also reinforcing a commitment to gender equality. Kingston City Council encourages all residents to join in celebrating and learning about the contributions of women to our community and beyond during the month.

Moved by: Councillor Tozzo

Seconded by: Councillor Chaves

  • That the sincere condolences of Kingston City Council be extended to the family and friends of Barry Kaplan, who passed away on August 29, 2024 after a brief illness. Barry was a former employee of the City of Kingston and Queen’s University, working in the area of accessibility. Barry will be remembered for his dedication to making Kingston more accessible to persons with disabilities, for his kind and gentle soul, and for his passion for learning, photography and music. Our thoughts are with his family and friends during this difficult time, in particular his children, Jacob and Arielle.

All items listed on the Consent Report shall be the subject of one motion. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the Consent Report to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Consent Report without the separated item(s)shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter.

(Report Number 24-239 from the Commissioner, Growth & Development Services)

(See By-Law Number (1), 2024-372)

  • That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Municipal Capital Facility Agreement with Kingston Employment and Youth Services Inc. for their premises leased at 53 Yonge Street, Kingston, in order to exempt the premises from taxation for municipal and education purposes; and

    That the tax exemption be effective upon final execution of the associated Municipal Capital Facility Agreement; and

    That in accordance with Section 110(6) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the By-Law attached as Exhibit A to Report Number 24-239, be presented and given all three readings to provide an exemption to the portion of 53 Yonge Street to which the Municipal Capital Facility Agreement applies, from taxation for municipal and school purposes; and

    That in accordance with Section 110(8) of the Municipal Act, 2001 the Clerk be directed to give written notice of the passing of the By-Law to the local school boards having jurisdiction in the area in which the property is located and to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation as required by Section 110(5) and (8); and

    That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute any agreements requisite to the provision of the Municipal Capital Facility Agreement in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.

(Report Number 24-228 from the Commissioner, Growth & Development Services)

  • That Council approve the purchase of the parking lot lands described as Part 1 on Reference Plan 13R-22808 from Transport Canada for $325,000, plus closing costs, and the purchase of the waterfront trail and associated lands for the outfall described as Part 2 on Reference Plan 13R-22808 for $115,000, plus closing costs, for a total of $440,000 plus closing costs; and

    That Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute all necessary legal documents and agreements to effect the purchase of Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 13R-22808; Kingston; County of Frontenac, and all other closing documents in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services or their designate; and

    That Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents to effect any agreements for the neighbouring property at 279 Wellington Street as a result of their storm water pipe crossing the transferred lands described as Part 2 on Reference Plan 13R-22808.

(Report Number 24-234 from the Commissioner, Infrastructure, Transportation & Emergency Services)

(See By-Law Number (2), 2024-373)

(See By-Law Number (3), 2024-374)

  • That a By-Law be presented for all three readings to amend By-Law Number 2003-209, being “A By-Law to Regulate Traffic”, as amended, as per Exhibit A to Report Number 24-234; and

    That a By-Law be presented for all three readings to amend By-Law Number 2010-128, being “A By-Law to Regulate Parking”, as amended, as per Exhibit B to Report Number 24-234.

(Report Number 24-214 from the City Clerk)

(See By-Law Number (4), 2024-375)

(See By-Law Number (5), 2024-376)

  • That Council approve the By-Law attached as Exhibit A to Report Number 24-214, “Appeals Committee By-Law”; and

    That Council approve the By-Law attached as Exhibit C to Report Number 24-214, “A By-Law to Amend City of Kingston By-Law Number 2021-166 A By-Law to Regulate Animals and By-Law Number 2022-6, A By-Law to Regulate and License Transportation Network Companies in the City of Kingston”.

(Report Number 24-204 from the Commissioner, Community Services)

  • That Council endorse the operations plan for 309 Queen Mary Road that includes space for a medical clinic, transitional housing units and community space; and

    That Council approve a capital renovation budget of up to $9,430,000 to convert space at 309 Queen Mary Road to accommodate a medical clinic space, transitional housing units and community space to be funded as follows:

    • $2,850,000 from the approved capital affordable housing budget;
    • $1,200,000 from the Housing & Homelessness Reserve;
    • $750,000 from the Human Services Reserve;
    • $630,000 from the Municipal Capital Reserve Fund;
    • $450,000 from the Midtown Kingston Health Home capital contribution;
    • $3,550,000 from a loan to be repaid through the Midtown Kingston Health Home lease; and

    That Council direct staff to finalize the operations and lease agreements associated with the transitional housing and community use/space operations at 309 Queen Mary Road as proposed in this report and to return to Council in the first half of 2025 with updates on these agreements and associated financial recommendations; and

    That Council approve one-time bridge funding of $632,545 to Home Base Housing to be funded from the Working Fund Reserve to support the retention of staff until the opening of the transitional housing at 309 Queen Mary Road; and

    That Council authorizes the Commissioner of Community Services or their designate to review, approve and execute the bridge funding agreement with Home Base Housing in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services; and

    That Council authorizes the City Treasurer or their designate to review and approve the terms of the loan and lease agreement with Kingston Community Health Centres related to the Midtown Kingston Health Home primary care clinic at 309 Queen Mary Road; and

    That Council authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to execute all necessary agreements and other documents that may be required related to the funding allocations, service delivery, construction and all required approvals in a form satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services.

All items listed on this Committee Report shall be the subject of one motion. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the Committee Report to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Report of the Committee without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter.

Sukriti Agarwal, Manager, Policy Planning, will make introductory remarks and introduce Jamie Cook, Managing Partner, Watson  Associates Economists Ltd., will brief Council on Clause 2 of Report Number 90: Received from the Planning Committee with respect to Growth Allocations Sub-Area and Future Urban Boundary Expansion Review.

(Exhibit A to Report Number PC-24-051)

  • That Council endorse the allocation of population, housing and employment growth forecast within the Kingston East, Kingston West, Central Kingston and Kingston North sub-areas, as presented in Exhibit A to Report Number PC-24-051. 

(Report Number 24-236 from the Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer)

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with details of contracts greater than $100,000 awarded for the month of August 2024 that meet the established criteria of delegated authority for standard procurements and non-standard procurements. 

Miscellaneous Business Items are voted on as one motion.

(See Communication 24-703)

Moved by: Councillor Stephen

Seconded by: Councillor Cinanni

  • That as requested by Waji Khan, City Council proclaim November 15, 2024 to be “Give-A-Smile Day” in the City of Kingston.

Moved by: Councillor Glenn

Seconded by: Councillor Osanic

  • Whereas the City of Kingston declared October is Plantiful Month in recognition of the importance of food for the health of our environment and community; and

    Whereas the Canada Food Guidelines recommend at least 75% plant-based foods including fruits, vegetables, grains, and plant proteins for a healthy diet; and

    Whereas as it is understood and scientifically proven that plant-rich diets offer health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and certain types of cancers, in addition to lower overall premature mortality; and

    Whereas it is acknowledged that current food systems and practices significantly contribute to global greenhouse gas emissions, of which livestock production is responsible for about 14.5% to 28% of global greenhouse gas emissions; and

    Whereas the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has advised that a plant-based diet can help fight climate change; and

    Whereas Lead Environmental Stewardship and Climate Action is a pillar of the City of Kingston’s 2023 – 2026 Strategic Plan; and

    Whereas the City of Kingston has the responsibility and capacity to lead by example in promoting sustainable, healthful, and environmentally friendly practices;

    Therefore Be It Resolved That the City of Kingston commit to prioritizing plant-based municipal food procurement as a key strategy to lower environmental impacts in keeping with the 2023 – 2026 Strategic Plan by always ensuring that plant-based options are included and prioritized whenever food is purchased or funded; and

    That plant rich options be promoted by ensuring they are given a primary position when food is offered such as at the front of a buffet table; and

    That the City of Kingston support and collaborate with community partners on education and awareness campaigns that promote the benefits of a plant-rich diet, and focus on sustainability, health and cultural appreciation.

Moved by: Councillor Ridge

Seconded by: Mayor Paterson

  • Whereas the City of Kingston financially and operationally supported the establishment of the Integrated Care Hub (ICH) co-located with Consumption Treatment Services in 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to provide low barrier options to the most vulnerable populations; and

    Whereas the Integrated Care Hub has contributed to saving many lives within the vulnerable population over the last 4 years by providing service options at one location including harm reduction, food, shelter and counselling at 661 Montreal Street, which was always intended to be a temporary location during the pandemic; and

    Whereas Trellis HIV & Community Care, Kingston Community Health Centres, Addiction and Mental Health Services - KFL&A, Home Base Housing, and Providence Care make up the consortium of partners that work together to operate the Integrated Care Hub; and

    Whereas effective April 1, 2022 Addiction & Mental Health Services – KFL&A became the lead on consortium funding and Integrated Care Hub operations while Kingston Community Health Centres leads the Consumption Treatment Services co-located at the ICH; and

    Whereas the Ministry of Health, the City of Kingston and the United Way have been the primary funders to Addiction & Mental Health Services – KFL&A to operate the Integrated Care Hub, with a City of Kingston yearly financial contribution of $500,000 starting in 2022 and totalling $1,500,000  over the last three years that specifically supports the rest zone aspect of the site as the Ministry of Health does not fund shelter spaces; and

    Whereas the initial start up of the Integrated Care Hub was supported with a $4,000,000 initial contribution from the City of Kingston with support from Social Services Relief Funds, bringing the total City of Kingston contribution to the operations of the Integrated Care Hub 2020-2024 to $5,500,000; and

    Whereas although the Integrated Care Hub and the Consumption Treatment Services have been valuable in providing a complex set of services to vulnerable populations, concerns have been raised from neighbours and the community regarding public health and safety related to the operations of the Integrated Care Hub and the Consumption Treatment Services at 661 Montreal Street as well as in the encampment that was formerly located adjacent to the property; and

    Whereas the Integrated Care Hub consortium shared in their September 20, 2024 Update on Reopening Process that they are working on a plan that will position them to better serve clients and community and in a further update offered on October 1, 2024 that reopening plans underway included planning for managing client and service flow in accordance with revised operational plans that incorporate the newly erected fencing around the site; and

    Whereas the City of Kingston and the ICH Consortium continue to work in partnership with a shared goal of supporting the safe operation of the Integrated Care Hub and the safety of those using the site services, those staff working at or around the site, those living in the immediate neighbourhood, and the broader community;

    Therefore Be It Resolved That in any application for payment pursuant to its 2024 funding agreement with the City of Kingston, Addiction & Mental Health Services – KFL&A be directed to provide:

    1. a security and safety plan that includes an implementation schedule, for the operations of the Integrated Care Hub considerate of client, staff, neighbourhood and community safety, and
    2. the Terms of Reference and confirmed membership of a community consultation group that will be formed by end of November 2024 and that will be required to regularly meet and provide meeting minutes to City staff who will present them to Council through closed and open session reporting, as appropriate, to their content; and

    That City staff be directed to work with the Integrated Care Hub Consortium of partners to collect information and metrics relating to the services offered at the Integrated Care Hub since 2020; and

    That City staff be directed to collect information from Kingston Police, Frontenac Paramedic Services and Kingston Fire and Rescue for calls and visits to the Integrated Care Hub and Consumption Treatment Services, and to the surrounding neighbourhood (Montreal Street from the corner of Montreal and Rideau Streets to the Belle Park entrance) and Rideau Street (from the intersection of Montreal and Rideau Streets to Rideau Street at Cataraqui Street) since 2020 and to collect comparative data for other areas of the City of Kingston; and

    That City staff be directed to report back to Council with all requested information by end of Q1, 2025.



Distributed to all Members of Council on October 11, 2024

  • That the Minutes of City Council Meeting Number 23-2024, held Tuesday, October 1, 2024 be confirmed.

Communications received and distributed to Council between September 24, 2024 and October 8, 2024.


  • That By-Laws (1) through (7) be given their first and second reading.

  • That Clause 12.63 of By-Law 2021-41 be waived for the purpose of giving By-Law (6) three readings.

  • That By-Laws (1) through (3), (6), and (7) be given their third reading.

A By-Law to Authorize an Agreement for the Provision of a Municipal Capital Facility at 53 Yonge Street, Kingston, Ontario

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-372

(Clause 1, Report Number 88)

A By-Law to Amend City of Kingston By-Law Number 2003-209, A By-Law to Regulate Traffic

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-373

(Clause 3, Report Number 88)

A By-Law to Amend City of Kingston By-Law Number 2010-128, A By-Law to Regulate Parking

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-374

(Clause 3, Report Number 88)

Appeals Committee By-Law

First and Second Reading

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-375

(Clause 1, Report Number 89)

A By-Law to Amend City of Kingston By-Law Number 2021-166, A By-Law to Regulate Animals and By-Law Number 2022-6, A By-Law to Regulate and License Transportation Network Companies in the City of Kingston

First and Second Reading

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-376

(Clause 1, Report Number 89)

A By-Law to permit Council to enter into a Second Residential Unit Affordable Housing Program Loan Agreement with the homeowners, Grace Wilman and Alice Vanderwerf of 1015 Montreal Street, Kingston, ON  K7K 3J2 for the provision of an Affordable Housing Unit at 1015 Montreal Street, Kingston, ON  K7K 3K2

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-377

(Delegated Authority)

A By-Law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on October 15, 2024

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-378

(City Council Meeting Number 24-2024)

  • That Council do now adjourn.