City of Kingston
Council Meeting

Council Chamber

Council will resolve into the Committee of the Whole “Closed Meeting” at 6:30 p.m. and will reconvene as regular Council at 7 p.m.


Watch live on the Kingston City Council YouTube channel.

The consent of Council is requested for the addition of Committee of the Whole "Closed Meeting" item b. - Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees - Recruitment Update. 



Robert Gibson will appear before Council to speak to New Motion 2 regarding the Integrated Care Hub.

Dr. Henry Swoboda, Mary Jane Philp, Jude Larkin, David Steele, Eleanor Carrara, and Brian Labatte will appear before Council to speak to New Motion 1 regarding Plant-Based Municipal Food Procurement.

Motions of Congratulations, Recognition, Sympathy, Condolences and Speedy Recovery


Moved by: Mayor Paterson

Seconded by: Councillor Glenn

  • That the condolences of Kingston City Council be extended to the family and friends of Floyd Patterson, former City Councilor and long-time CKWS Radio host and TV journalist, who passed away on September 30, 2024, at the age of 90. Floyd had a long and storied career in local media in Kingston, in which he became a well-known and passionate community champion. Floyd was later elected as the City Councillor for Sydenham District, in which he served from 2003 to 2006. He’s remembered as an enthusiastic and dedicated politician, deeply committed to helping those he represented. His passing is a great loss for our community, and our thoughts are with his family during this time. 

Moved by: Councillor Hassan

Seconded by: Councillor Stephen

  • That the condolences of Kingston City Council be extended to the family and friends of Judith Brown who passed away peacefully on October 11th at the age of 81. Judith was tremendously dedicated and passionate about public education both here in Canada and abroad. Her love for education, travelling, and her community knew no bounds. Her warmth and kindness were felt by all, including newcomers to Canada, who she always ensured felt welcomed and supported. Judith’s commitment to her community led her to become elected as a public school board trustee in 2018 and 2022, a role in which she had a great impact on anyone who knew her. Her passing is a great loss for our community and our thoughts are with her loved ones at this time.

Report Number 88: Received from the Chief Administrative Officer (Consent)


(Report Number 24-257 from the Commissioner, Growth & Development Services)

  • That Council endorse a partnership with Cataraqui Region to update the Collins Creek and Glenvale Creek floodplain mapping under Natural Resources Canada’s Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program; and

    That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute any agreements, satisfactory to the Director of Legal Services, with Cataraqui Region required to support and contribute to the Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program to update the Collins Creek and Glenvale Creek floodplain mapping; and

    That Council direct the City Clerk to submit Council’s resolution to Cataraqui Conservation before October 18, 2024, for inclusion in the funding application under the Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program.

All items listed on this Committee Report shall be the subject of one motion. Any member may ask for any item(s) included in the Committee Report to be separated from that motion, whereupon the Report of the Committee without the separated item(s) shall be put and the separated item(s) shall be considered immediately thereafter.

(See By-Law Number (11), 2024-382)

(See By-Law Number (12), 2024-383)

(Exhibit A to Report Number PC-24-054)

(Exhibit B to Report Number PC-24-054)

  • That the applications for Official Plan and zoning By-Law amendments (File Number D35-003-2024 and D12-004-2024) submitted by Fotenn Consultants Inc., on behalf of Tamarack (Cataraqui West 2) Corporation, for the property municipally known as 1519 Shira Drive and the property at the northwest corner of Bayridge Drive and Cataraqui Woods Drive, be approved; and

    That the City of Kingston Official Plan, as amended, be further amended, amendment number 98, as per Exhibit A, (Draft By-Law and Schedule A to Amend the Official Plan) to Report Number PC-24-054; and

    That Kingston Zoning By-Law Number 2022-62, as amended, be further amended, as per Exhibit B (Draft By-Law and Schedule A to Amend Zoning By-Law Number 2022-62) to Report Number PC-24-054, and as further amended by the Planning Committee on October 10, 2024, as detailed below:

    That subsections 1.3 a) ii) and 1.3 f) ii of the By-Law attached as Exhibit B to Report Number PC-24-054 be deleted; and

    That Council determines that in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, no further notice is required prior to the passage of the By-Law; and

    That Council approve the Amending Subdivision Agreement (File Number D35-003-2024 and D12-004-2024) submitted by Fotenn Consultants Inc., on behalf of Tamarack (Cataraqui West 2) Corporation, for Block 181 of Plan 13M-127 municipally known as 1519 Shira Drive; and

    That the amending By-Law be presented to Council for all three readings.

Miscellaneous Business


(See Communication 24-712)

Moved by: Councillor Osanic

Seconded by: Councillor Ridge

  • That as requested by Elsabé Falkson, Rotary Clubs in Kingston, City Council proclaim October 24, 2024 to be “World Polio Day” in the City of Kingston.



Additional communications received and distributed to Council between October 8, 2024 and October 15, 2024.



A By-Law to provide for the assumption of the public highways in Milton Subdivision, Phase 5-3, Registered Plan 1992, in the City of Kingston, in accordance with Section 31(4) of the Municipal Act, Chapter 25, S.O. 2001; and to provide acceptance by the City of Kingston, of the associated public works within

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-379

(Delegated Authority)

A By-Law to provide for the assumption of the public highways in Shannon Park Subdivision, Registered Plan 13M-136, in the City of Kingston, in accordance with Section 31(4) of the Municipal Act, Chapter 25, S.O. 2001; and to provide acceptance by the City of Kingston, of the associated public works within

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-380

(Delegated Authority)

A By-Law to dedicate Parts 5, 8, and 10 on Reference Plan 13R-20685 and Cataraqui Woods Drive and Block 5 as shown on Plan 13M-80 as Part of the Public Highway known as Cataraqui Woods Drive in the City of Kingston, in accordance with Section 31(4) of the Municipal Act, Chapter 25, S.O. 2001 as amended

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-381

(Delegated Authority)

A By-Law to Amend The City of Kingston Official Plan (Amendment Number 98), 1519 Shira Drive & Northwest Corner of Cataraqui Woods Drive and Bayridge Drive)

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-382

(Clause 1, Report Number 91)

A By-Law to Amend By-Law Number 2022-62, "Kingston Zoning By-Law Number 2022-62" (Zone Change to 'UR3' and 'CD', Removal of Exception 'E21', Removal of Legacy Exception 'L288', and Introduction of Exception Number 'E173' (1519 Shira Drive & Northwest Corner or Cataraqui Woods Drive and Bayridge Drive))

Three Readings

Proposed By-Law Number 2024-383

(Clause 1, Report Number 91)